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Everything posted by WoodsmanJim

  1. Really? Then I suggest you look up the meaning of 'Racism'. This is sectarianism. Muslim/ Islam is a religion not a race. Before you all jump on me , I'm not defending the extremists. It's just that some of you need to get your definitions correct or you'll never be able to engage in meaningful debate. Sectarianism is hatred or conflict based on or between religious or political groups, Racism is hatred or conflict based on people being of different colours, creeds or nationalities. Not all Muslims are foreign, not all English people are purely white etc.... What we have her
  2. Thanks for the reply hot shot. The screw was tightened right in, the dial was clicking as it turned, even in the 'lock' position, so I know it was tight. I took it back, first guy in the shop was as baffled as me and was prepping it for return to Deben when a second staff member took the turret off completely to have a look underneath (is previously done this too at home to see if I could see what's wrong). Under the turret is just a turned ali cylinder with no acces to the internals, so he put it all back together and now it locks down properly and doesn't turn when locked. Something obviousl
  3. After seeing Davy's great vid last week, and having a spring that needed cutting down I thought I'd give this a go. I adapted a few of the stages to fit with the tools I have but it really is that simple to do. If I can do it, anyone can! So much nicer to do stuff with your own hands aint'it! Much greater sense of satisfaction. Anyway, I was so chuffed with the result that I thought I'd make a quick vid to share my joy and hopefully encourage a few others to get their hands oily Sorry for the iffy camera work and my dulcet tones, I filmed it on my compact photo camera on video mode
  4. Bless you Webster, that's very kind. However a couple of other members Blade1of1 and Jam1e have already offered and sent me a scope and mounts for it. It certainly is proving to be a fun rebuild, although it's only a simple little thing I'm learning lots as I go. You and the guys mentioned above are a credit to this forum. Jim
  5. I've had two 10x42 Tac 30's now in as many weeks and they've both been duffers. With the first one I thought it was great initially, but using it soon turned sour. The optics were all out of line, turns out it'd had a knock during manufacture which was evident by a chunk being taken out of one of the turrets which had then been 'blacked' over. Also there were sloppy manufacturing of other some parts too. The second, direct replacement for the first, has lockable target turrets but one still spins when snapped down into the 'lock' position so I'll be taking it back too on my next day off! Not
  6. This has been covered a bit on here I think. I'm no expert, and this is not in any way professional legal advice but you are allowed to carry your air rifle in public in you have a just reason. A public right of way across private land is just that, public, and going to a shooting permission would be a just reason.So in essence you'd be fine. All advice would be to carry it uncocked, unloaded, in a rifle case or gun slip and with your ammo in a separate bag. Whilst in the strictest possible interpretation of the law you may be allowed to walk about holding you gun in plain sight whilst walking
  7. Sounds dreadful Deano, glad you're on the mend now though. Get well soon and hopefully no more surprises ey! Jim
  8. I used it with my nikko Stirling mountmaster. Like you I jut selected 'generic mildot' and it was fine. I figured a scope is a scope, if it's zeroed properly it shouldn't make a difference who makes the scope. the software uses algorithms for the ballistics of the gun and the pellet, in theory the scope should make little difference in my opinion. I could be wrong though. All that said if the algorithms don't equate exactly to the performance of your gun with that particular pellet it won't be exactly right with its results. Treat it more like a guideline and do your own range testing a
  9. Thanks guys, I think I'll chop it down. Having watch Davy's great vid from the other day I'm feeling retty confident about doing it. Daryl, I was told the Cadet and Commando have interchangeable springs and the No.7 lists the commando on it's packet. I guess this isn't quite the case though. I did measure the ID of the piston, the distance between the back of the piston head and the spring guide back plate (with the shear engaged), the spring guide and everything else. I also got the specs for the spring before I ordered it, number of coils, wire thickness, OD, ID etc.. In theory the sprin
  10. Hey guys, As the title really, how much preload should we aim for with a mainspring? how much is too much? I have about 4" of preload on the new Titan XS No.7 spring I'm fitting to an ASI cadet and I'm thinking this might make it very hard to cock and quite harsh to shoot. Any advice folks? Build thread for the cadet is here http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/285009-sorting-out-an-old-el-gamo-cadet/ which has some pics on it to see what I mean. Many thanks! Jim
  11. I'm with the Sporting Shooters Association (SSA). 5 Million quids worth of 3rd party cover. only £17.50 per year. Never had to deal with them other than to take out the policy but the seemed very professional, and the price is way better than anywhere else. Ok, it's "only" 5 million not 10 like I think BASC does. But I'm still insured. Jim
  12. Very useful vid Davy. I'd now happily do this one my own rifles if needed. It's great for folks like me, as I'm sure there are many others, who are confident with our hands and with mechanics, we just need showing the 'right way' to do things. Top job mate, thank you Jim.
  13. Hi all, well I've finally found time to make some progress on this. I've accumulated all the bits required and was just waiting for the time. I was passing my local gunsmaith's place the other day and popped in for some advice. he offered to stick the piston in his lathe to clean it up and shove is cleaning mops down the comp tube too, only took him 10 mins and he did it for beer money, he's a good egg! Well I soaked the new leather seal in neatsfoot oil last night and after a bit of wiggling it went into the tube well and makes a great seal. I'm afraid I didn't get any pics of this, So
  14. I have an 'ultrafire', I thinks it's an M508 model. It's ok, but not really enough for hunting with. Generally (but not exclusively) any of the "fire" brands on eBay will be Chinese copies of the SureFire torches. SureFire are American and make great but expensive torches. The lenser p7 looks good, although I've not used one myself plenty of other folks seem to rate them. Although to avoid confusion, P7's are still a Cree torch. Cree is the type of LED. Jim
  15. Hi all, After doing some research, including on this forum, it seems that graphite grease is 'the best' thing for mainsprings. With this in mind, as the title says, can you use graphogen on the mainspring when assembling a rifle? I ask mostly because I have some in the garage already from my other hobby (classic cars). It seems to me to be perfect for the job, it's a moly based graphite lube that's thick and sticky. can anyone with appropriate experience confirm or deny this? incase it helps, it's this stuff: http://www.burtonpower.com/graphogen-moly-compound-125g-tube-grap.html?utm_sou
  16. Thanks guys, glad you all think it's decent too. I had that feeling I might've bought unwisely as I'm not really up to speed on Weihrauchs other than having handled hw100's and 97's and knowing they're a solid brand generally. Stealthy - How many pairs of shoes does your Mrs own? The price was right mate, don't worry BBB - gutted for you mate, that must've been a bad day. I hope to take lots with it, I was just thinking about going to .177 to have a faster pellet. This is .22 though, which I've always favoured really, and seeing as it's much quieter than my old 52 I reckon that'll m
  17. A gentleman never tells Porky, but considering its age and that it has a few light battle scars, I was very happy to add it to my armory.
  18. Well there I was just perusing the internet whilst having my lie-in this morning and what do I see but an interesting advert for a HW90 that was local-ish to me. Seemed like a bit of a bargain so although I wasn't really looking for a rifle right now, especially a gas ram break barrel, I thought I'd give the guy a call and see. Sure enough it was still there and sounded good so I went to see it. Now I've never owned, or even shot a gas ram rifle so I wasn't sure what to expect. A quick google reassured me that the HW90 was indeed in keeping with the rest of the Weihrauch range, that being that
  19. Chairgun will tell you retained energy at all ranges. It's free to download from the Hawke website. My friend has a rifle at 8.5 ft/lb and it retains something like 70% energy at 30 yards, I can't remember exactly but it was still way more than 4ft/lbs at 30 yards. I'd still recommend having as much power as legally possible to make cleaner and easier kills though. Jim
  20. Looks lovely that, well done! I'd live to find a nice bit of twisted hazel. Maybe one day!
  21. Good work, decent looking size those. Do you have a silencer on that 52? How did you go about doing that? How do you find it shoots from a bipod? Sorry for all the questions, just curious! Jim
  22. Although I put this on the end of my other thread about this scope, I figured it actually became more of a technical review. So I thought I'd stick it in here. Hope this is ok mods? Anyway, yesterday I got to fit and set up the scope. My first impressions are a bit mixed, it does feel good and have a lovely clear reticle, and I love the half-mil ties and the fully floating posts. The fixed mag is perfect for everything I'm ever going to need it for. So far so good! However a couple of issues have arisen. Firstly the illumination for the reticle seems to flicker a bit, especially o
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