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Everything posted by Madmike

  1. Went out last nite to take the pup for a run nd had 2 without even slipping the dog nd it was pissin it dwn
  2. I personal think the rabbit sit squat nd dnt want to run so much when it's wet I hv had one of my best nghts ever in torrential rain as long as u don't mind gettin wet
  3. Could u mke up a big crate to take 4or 5 big dogs to go in pickup ?
  4. When my dogs were pups I took them out on there own and a tale the bull X out on her own as she has only just started running I'm not angry but there is no need to criticise my method as I wouldn't yours but when your girlfriend is keen to go out as well and brother wht dose t hurt ? The dogs get plenty of slips and are hardly ever sloped together they hardly ever get sliped less than five times in a night so what's the problem ?
  5. It's realy pissed me off now seeing as all I was asking is about slip leads and all of a sudden I have some do gooder here telling me how to take my dogs out yeah I think it's fair to exchange tips and Giv advice when asked not slate my complete way about it my dad use to take me out with three or four dogs at a time and that's the way I will do it to
  6. I know what your problem is now I thort this page was full of hunting enthusiasts tho not antis maybe this forum ain't what I thought it was I. Sure there is plenty if people on here that slip on foxes pigs and deer but just don't mention it cuz people like you will be a big man about it well your not allowed to do that ect and that dosent say I slip on any of them I don't think I will bother with this site anymore
  7. Yeah my mate has made me some real nice englis leather collars with the dogs name marked Into them I just can't think of anythin else to use il will stick with cord. I think it's worked for years so why fix what ain't broke tbh ?
  8. Also a lot of farmers don't want to be messing around tellin you where can and can't go and what to do over letter they would prefer it if they can show you then and ther most landowners are fine with you hunting on there land as you are helping then keep the pest numbers down
  9. Best way for permission is to actually go to the landowners front door and speek to them face to face writing letters is a lot less affective as u have to rember most farmers are old fashiond and want to see what you look like what car you drive. And what your attitude is like where as they can't see this through a letter I have been to a few smaller farms and asked permission I had a cupp with the farmer and a chat and then we even got in his truck and he showed me around so I new where I was allowed ect u will get on better if u go to there door the worst your get is a f**k off but atleast y
  10. What I'm thinking Jon I might try one just as my bull cross pulls hard and its the girlfriends fav dog so she likes leading him but cord tends to hurt her hand after a while any ideas ?
  11. Well that's what I thought I have looked them up abit and from what I heard its not the fluid not being strong enough it makes the rats Dosy and stops them wanting to run ? I don't realy no tbh that is what I gatherd from what I looked up I think I. Wi pass on one its a lot of money for a Saturday afternoon bit if fun
  12. Thanks for the welcome and near Launceston where are you guys from ?
  13. I usually take three dogs out sometimes four I usually shine and take a dog and the missus takes two and then if my brother wants to come he brings one that is three or four not six and when you have a good scat of land with a lot if Game you can give all the dogs a good run my Uncal alone has nearly two thousand acres for us to shine around pluss aload of my ground and other people around me so i have alot of ground to hunt on what is the problem with taking four dogs I love my dogs they love there jobs they get run regularly and are fit and healthy and get looked after extremely well they h
  14. Well usually there is two or three of us out with a dog or two each like and yeah I found that to be a problem with matey I was just wondering if any I you have had any better experience with a cirtan make ? And yeah the way I wrote that it came out weird it's had with two dogs and a lamp let alone four !
  15. Hi I'm mike I have been invoked with most things hunting since I could see and have owned my own dogs since I was 9 I now have 1 bedlington whipped lurcher 1 bull lurcher 1 greyhound collie cross 1 deerhound bull lurcher and 1deerhound oh and not to forget my two digging terriers Betty and wilma and my and my girlfriend have a killing machine jackawowa puppie ironically called Thor and he is a killing machine it would be good to make freinds with some of you guys and exchange tips and advice also please excuse the bad gramma and spelling in future posts I'm not taking the piss I'm just doing
  16. Right been looking around and have been looking at propper slip leads but at twenty quid each and me sometimes taking four dogs out how handy are they or are they just more hassle compaird to a pice of bale cord I hv used dice I am little what are your views on these my mate had one that you let go of the Handel and held onto a loop to slip the dog but he seemed to keep on slipping his dog by accident what do you guys think ?
  17. Hi guys this is my frst post on here nd I was wondering what the best way if smokin rats out of sets I use to hav a chainsaw and put a few drips of oil dwn the exhaust thn attach a pipe and place down the hole but since I rund over my saw I can no longer do this I have seen a rat smoker you can buy for around a hundred quid but that is a lot of money what do you guys use and how affective is it I was told puttin oil down an exhaust isn't the best way neway as it make rats drowsy and dnt bolt thm ? :s
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