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Everything posted by zac59

  1. Hi, I will sell my S200 .177 and buy a S410K. I like target shooting at 55 yards and hunt a little rabbit. What caliber you recommend .177 or .22? thank
  2. S200 mk3 .177 with multi shot conversion and moderator, and custom stock with 2 ten shot mags 460£.
  3. My S200 .177 and my custom stock have made in exotic woods. it is for sale
  4. Hi, What is the length of a S410K with a silencer? I think selling my s200 to buy a S410K .177 The length of my s200 with silencer is 40.16" thank
  5. I hesitate between the T-10 or HW100KT.... I'm left hand but for T10 i can made a personnal stock
  6. nice Shooter08 S200 .177 or .22?
  7. Hi the team, I have a AA S200 .177 with the conversion kit.I love my S200. I want to buy a second rifle multishot, and I hesitate between the T-10 and Ultra .... I like hunting and target shooting. So which to choose?
  8. S410K is also lightweight compact gun; no?
  9. BSA Scorpion T10 is as good as the AA S410K?
  10. I think buying a S410 .... but I will make a custom stock, because i am left-handed. I have already built a stock for my S200. I do not regret my S200 for a S410K...
  11. hi, July is my birthday, so I'll have a little money to spend. I can sell my S200. But what to replace my S200? I want a lightweight and compact gun. So I do not know what to choose between BSA ultra multisot, AA S410K or Weihrauch HW100KT. Or when I buy anything and I keep my S200 THANK
  12. thank my friends, is good
  13. I wrote:"air arms s200" but is no good
  14. "I don't shoot thrushes" does not
  15. impossible to register on the forum airgunforum what should be put in box nospam? http://www.airgunforum.co.uk/forums/index.php
  16. Hi the team, Inspiration of Falcon FN12 Lighthunter and the HW100. I am authorized to perform a custom stick for my dear AA S200. Made exotic wood recovery.
  17. i want a little riffle. look here: http://www.airarmsownersclub.com/viewtopic...=14&t=12189 he cut the barrel of his s200!!
  18. or have you had this information?
  19. hello, is it possible to shorten the barrel of my 200 about two inches, without affecting accuracy? thank you
  20. with my s200 .177 with my HW40PCA .177
  21. I have a S200 kit with multishot. the s200 is very nice for the price.
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