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Everything posted by zac59

  1. I can give you ideas HW100K Aero-Spline
  2. This is my last achievement for HW100K. Inspired by beautiful curves, I do a sketch in Solidwork. Then J'usine borrows the mechanism for the router. I print my sketch to scale for the delay on my gross. I did some template on the plywood to replicate with the router via a ring to copy. I cut, I rasp, I sand ... ... ... ... ..
  3. nice shot! your bsa is .177 or .22?
  4. I tested jsb exact, jsb exact heavy, h & n h & n baracuda and fft test has a distance of 27 meters my test is here, but in french: http://translate.google.fr/translate?u=http://www.forum-airguns.com/les-plombs-pour-armes-a-air-ou-co2-f8/test-jsb-exact-vs-hn-ftt-vs-jsb-heavy-vs-hn-baracuda-t34866.htm&sl=fr&tl=en&hl=&ie=UTF-8
  5. your HW100 is .177 or .22 what pellets you use?
  6. bonjour, i search a shoort and light spring gun.
  7. hello, i live to France sorry for my english.... i want buy a new Spring Guns which is the best? HW50S or BSA Lightning? thank
  8. I sell my AA S200 MK3 .177 + kit multishot + 2 magazine + silencer + custom stock. Purchased in April 2008 and only 4 to stand out and a little fire in my garden. Comes with munual instructions, connector pump, S200 dvd video. Ability to set the power at your convenience. 370£ + postage mp only.
  9. if you have to choose between s410k .177 and hw100kt .177, which would keep you?
  10. why you say that davy? you have a bearing hw100 not? you are not happy with your hw100? I do not want to HW100T but HW100KT! More compact and lighter ...... I do not say: http://weihrauchowners.freeforums.org/weih...410k-t2688.html
  11. 470£ for ( S200 mk3 .177 + 2 stock original and custom + kit multishot + 2 magazinz + silencer + connector + manual.........)
  12. It's true, action is a right. If i buy a S410K, i must take the walnut stock for left-handed option. (579£ for s410k with Walnut Stock + 15£ for UPGRADE TO LEFT HAND WALNUT STOCK) + 38£ for silencer + 28£ for second magazine = 660£ HW100KT 720£.... only £ of difference
  13. My S200 is sold soon. I hesitate between a HW100KT (I'm left-handed) and S410K ... My heart leans towards HW100KT
  14. Look here Fenix LD20 180 lumens: http://www.fenixtactical.com/fenix-ld20.html
  15. I live in France. I love my S200, so I vote S200. I shooting club about 50 meters without any problems. But I must sell my S200 to purchase another PCP
  16. it's true, but no short, no light and no compact?(what is the length of your muffler with hw100?)
  17. I sell my S200 e want to buy a new PCP. I hesitate between S410K, HW100KT and Daystate Huntsman Classic all in .177 HW100KT is good but a bit heavy and restricted to 40 shooting. when has Daystate Huntsman, I like not his face. I consider S410K therefore to be the best choice.((light, short, and 60 shoot per charge)) and you?
  18. thank but not the k version..........
  19. what is the length of a HW100T with silencer weihrauch? On the bayer airgun site, the length of the HW100T is 38.5 inch, but with or without the silencer? thank
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