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Everything posted by mournegold

  1. Hi folks, just an update to let you know that the 'beeline' feature on the Hawke 600 Pro does give the horizontal distance to a target! When you look through the scope the first mode is straightline distance. Press the mode button and it switches to Beeline mode, press it again and it gives angle to target, and then again to give the height difference between you and your target. Pity the guys in Hawke don't realise what that feature is used for by shooters, they almost talked me out of buying it!!
  2. Hi Dave, thanks for your reply. I ended up ringing Deben Hawke directly about the beeline feature on their LRF 600 Pro range finder and was told that this doesn't tell me horizontal distance to the target. I did like this product though because it is sold as waterproof and I like the solar charging feature. I also want to be able to switch between meters and yards. (which was the only thing stopping me buying the Tasco one) I managed to get a new one off a seller on the well know auction site for £139.95 including postage. It should be here tomorrow all being well. I hunted around tryi
  3. Hi guys I've been looking into getting a laser range finder and am wanting to get one that shows the horizontal distance to the target for when aiming at a target above or below me. Does anyone know if this is what the 'beeline' reading is on the Hawke 600 Pro? I know that the Leupold rangefinders offer their True Ballistics Range but I'm hoping not to have to go to that sort of money. Does anyone know of any other well priced versions that offer this function?
  4. Got my rifle yesterday and gave the barrel a clean this morning. Loads of black/ brown gunk came out of it. I put a couple of hundred pellets through it tonight and its starting to group nicely. With the first fifty or sixty rounds there was a slight chemical burning smell. Is this a sign of dieseling?
  5. Thanks for the replies. Eezox is a solvent and lubricant in one product. I was spending a lot of time researching what to buy for another rifle and came across it. There are some Youtube videos about the effects it has preventing rust that impressed me enough to try it. I have only been using it for around 18 months but haven't had any problems. From what I could make out it seems to fill the microscopic pores in the metal but i'm trying to remember details I haven't looked at in a while. I think there is only one distributor selling it in the UK but I found them very helpful.
  6. Forgive my ignorance, but will this prevent the dieseling that I have read about in relation to a new air rifle being fired?
  7. Hi all, I have just bought my first air-rifle after shooting targets for a few years. I have bought a Weihrauch HW97 Blackline in .22 and am just waiting for my updated FAC to come back so I can go pick it up... tick, tock, tick, tock...... My question is this though, what preperations do you make to a new rifle before you actually start using it? I currently use Eezox on my target rifle and am very happy with its performance. I was thinking about giving the rifle barrel a coating inside and out before i start running it in. What do you guys think? I know that it will likely be
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