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Everything posted by Patrick1

  1. Cheers Pete, everybody here seems to responding to drink driving conviction, which it is not its a In charge whilst unfit, I was not driving. However spoke to my firearms licensing enquiry line today and they said it would most likely NOT stop me from getting an FAC when I become a full member of a target club, but the FEO will speak to me about that.
  2. Hi all, I have a quick question, I am thinking of applying for my FAC soon, however I do have a conviction for "In Charge Whilst Unfit Through Drink" a DR50 and IN14 on my driving licence, I got 10pts and £650 fine. Apart from that nothing else, good health no problems like that. Will they see me as unfit and not issue me a FAC with that conviction? All advice greatly appreciated.
  3. ok did'nt know that, would you not be in favour then of sporting pistols and .22s for target practice been made legal again? Patrick.
  4. Hi Leveller, if you dont mind, what handguns do you have and for what reason? and paulus what would good reason be for a pistol, and what other use would a .22 pistol have apart from target practice. Thanks Patrick.
  5. Ah yes I see, but that petition closed on 8thAug this year with 12,999 signatures. It has a new e petition created by Jonathan Booty and closes on 15Aug 2013, it has only 64 signatures at the moment, which seems very dissapointing considering the large amount of ex pistol shooters in the UK. Patrick
  6. Hi all my name is Patrick, I shoot air rifles and co2 pistols, however I am to young (27) to have been able to shoot .22 pistols or larger calibres, but would like to have tried them. I understand they were all banned after the Dunblane tragedy. It does seem quite unfair that legitimate target shooters have all been punished, due to the actions of one nutcase. After looking around on the web I have found the government banned them to reduce handgun crime, however since the ban handgun crime has been steadily on the rise, and not from sporting target shooters, but from criminals who will always
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