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About BlueCoyote

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 24/12/1944

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  1. i just sent a request to join.. i havent been in this forum in ages and rarely use MSN messenger anymore. trying to get all my "stuff" in one place lol
  2. if you like it then keep it. i'm sure she has a few things around the house you dont like looking at.... my husband has a giant framed picture of a 1960's T-bird hanging in our bedroom..... so i didnt blink or ask permission when i decided to hang my grandad's 10 point mounted deer from 1940 in the living room...... however.... i might would change the display.... make it a little more pleasing to the eye.
  3. or is it too late? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/8180749.stm
  4. no pictures here?
  5. What do i do? Everything. the cooking, cleaning, feeding and cleaning up after animals kids and other adults who should know better than to leave beer cans where toddlers can reach them. ..seriously though, this is what i do when i cant hunt or get outside.. ..unfinished.
  6. the willies dont bother me. its their two friends that i find creepy... besides the way they look they also make me make me wonder how men can ride bikes or horses without wincing in pain every time. I also dont care about people looking and admiring as long as they dont become infatuated with the person they are looking at (significant others excluded)
  7. THESE wont go in any sauce! however i wont make such promises for their future offspring
  8. i was given three ducklings over the weekend. there's a park in the city that is over run with them and apparently city officials are too lazy to clean it all up and remove them... instead they tell people NOT to feed them(but they do anyway) and you can carry off what ever you can catch. well... someone managed to catch three little ones and brought them to me. they knew i had been meaning to replace the duck that was carried off by the raccoon. So i was wondering any ideas on breed? and if they might be boys or girls or one boy and two girls .. or two boys and one girl? i'm PRETTY sure
  9. ...why? the whole time i watched i kept asking WHY! are the hares or rabbits as overpopulated there as the people??? i'm sorry but in this situation i REALLY couldnt help but feel nothing but pity for the animal being chased, then mauled, then snatched away, then mauled again. i mean really, is it so hard to kill it once and properly?
  10. well i warned you but i probably should have been more specific hope i didnt get anyone in trouble!
  11. i think some of our problems ARE man made but i also believe some it is natural. for example..... too many ducks in one pond will completely kill the ecosystem and make the water disgusting. same as with too many people and machines in one area, oil spills, etc. which can also effect ecosystems - killing off frogs or bees so we have more pests and fewer animals to pollinate which would cause certain plants to die etc and so on. again i dont think its one or the other. i think its going to happen ANYWAY but i believe we should be careful not to hurry things along in trashing the land and o
  12. well, you would'ent in that position good thing i dont know where you live lol!
  13. But men for all time have used the same excuse ............. "it just slipped in, I wasn't trying darling honest" i did not see that coming! i did NOT see that coming and i should have KNOWN better!!
  14. Rainmaker, i truly didnt think of that! you're probably right, too. its not like that picture of Crib and Rosa is hard to find and upload in photobucket. lol i'll have to remember that trick
  15. i'm scared to ask where you stuck their mother, and what with and yep that boy is more interested in what i do than my oldest son, horses, dogs, outdoors, the other one is content with anything mechanical and goes vroom
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