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About smallmouth

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    Born Hunter

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    Banned It Country.........

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  1. Monkey to Man A long time ago, our point of view Was broadcast by mr. bartholomew Now the world is full of sorrow and pain It's time for us to speak up again You're slack and sorry Such an arrogant brood The only purpose you serve is to bring us our food We sit here staring at your pomp and pout Outside the bars we use for keeping you out You've taken everything that you wanted Broke it up and plundered it and hunted Ever since we said it You went and took the credit It's been headed this way since the world began When a vicious creature took the jump from monkey to man
  2. The FM transmitters that enable you to play an MP3 through your radio are OK, but make sure you get one with the biggest range possible, as FM is getting mighty crowded. Mine runs from 88.1 - 107.9, so I've stopped using it, as depending where I'm driving I keep getting bursts of Radio Al Queda or Bangla Bazaar FM overriding my signal. I'm using a cheap MP3 to auxillary socket cable at the moment and this worked great at first, but now the aux socket connection is getting a bit loose, might have to try a better one. Or you could always buy a brand new car with an MP3 slot?
  3. I think you're missing the point here. As crossbreeds lurchers have to start somewhere, and in the case of collie crosses, bull crosses etc, that somewhere is usually a cross between 2 parents not specifically designed for a lurchers job, (though it'd might be better if they'd at least had a go). So aren't all first crosses are a risk, unless it's a repeat mating and ALL the previous litter made the grade? Surely if you did decide to breed off your first cross Hancock bitch it would be because you were pleased with her long term performance and thought it worthwhile to continue dow
  4. Saw one or two round Chievely, just off the A34 before Newbury.
  5. It's the best Natural World I've seen in a long while. :thumbs-up: And it's on again on Sunday......... "Bloodhound and the Beardie Wed 16 May 9.00pm and Sun 20 May 6.10pm BBC Two In a unique experiment professional trainers take on two uncontrollable dogs: a bloodhound called Holly and a bearded collie called Herbie. The programme investigates whether the dogs can work in the jobs for which they were bred – sniffing out criminals and herding sheep."
  6. I meant "Did anbody watch". It was shown Saturday night, 21:00. No doubt it'll be repeated.
  7. I can vouch that TOMO does spare a thought for those with no permission. I've had a good few invites from him, and on the couple of occasions I could take them up, I enjoyed some excellent ferreting on superb land in good company. And so have several others........ Anybody watch "The Shooting Party" on BBC 4 tonight? It's a film set on an Edwardian "big bag" driven game shoot, not great, (the book's a bit better). Check out the fate of the lurcherman at the end.........
  8. Well, a lot less articles about historical gamekeepers, playboy aristocrats, sporting estates of old, cartridge collecting, antique gun auctions or heather burning, would be a great start. There was even a double page spread about "Point to Point" the other week for fooks sake..... (I do enjoy picking the bones out of the gundog training articles though, even though it's unlikely I'll ever own a lab/springer or whatever). Seems to me that the CMW's a lot less working class than the old Shooting News was, and is the poorer for it, anyway there's enough mags catering for the CA set alread
  9. It's being repeated on Discovery every Monday at 10pm.
  10. It'd be interesting to see a pic of the moth in due course then. Sounds/looks like a nice place, fishing, wildlife and............rabbits!!
  11. It looks like an Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar, as kids we used to collect them off rosebay willow herb that grew on the side of the railway. Just checked the WWW and it seems very early for one of those. Thinking back it was in the 6 week school summer hols that we used to find them. But this might help... http://www.whatsthiscaterpillar.co.uk/
  12. Album: Youth & Young Manhood. Track: Happy Alone. Band: Kings of Leon.
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