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hunter bull X

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Everything posted by hunter bull X

  1. Hi anyone in the Lancashire area got a hushpower for sale preferably 410 but will consider others thanks
  2. I use 3" 50g no1s they don't seem to get up after one of them.
  3. Hi mate would u sell that pole separate I'm just on the internet looking for a new pole.if u will how much.
  4. Not sure exactly how far away you are I'm in Blackburn lancs an would be happy to come an help out always wanted to learn more about long netting.
  5. I have the hatsan escort marine semi an I have cycled everything from 24g to 3" 50g cartridges with no bother at all.
  6. Cheers gafer after closer inspection it was the bottom rubber seal on the probe iv replaced it with a new 1 although its ever so slightly thinner but its filling fine now.
  7. Hey guys I've just gone to fill my axsor an I can't get the probe to go all the way in iv tried it cocked an uncocked but it just won't go in any ideas ? If the answer is seals could anyone explain how I change this or these please. Thanks for any responses.
  8. Thanks for the reply wasted.I will try that .
  9. Hey guys I've got a optima 9-40 wide angle scope on my Webley axsor .22 but have just been given a Nikko stirling gold crown 6-40 says institute Japan on it,just wondered which is the better 1 to have mounted.
  10. I'll leave this open till Monday then I'll put it all on flea bay.
  11. Got up for another early walk around my new permission today an it paid off,the farmer had even put a table against the wall in his building so I could shoot through the timber sides onto one of his sheep feeders that's getting jackdaw problems. The results
  12. I was a bit obsessed at one point playing in a clan that was in the top 50 in the world on call of duty but the novelty has worn off now an somebody might as well get use out of it as its just sat their,keep kids quiet for months haha
  13. Hi guys I've got this bundle I'm no longer using so I list it all Xbox 360 4gb (new shape) Controller with sharp shooter stick extenders and bullet cases as buttons Rechargeable battery an charger Turtle beach x12 headset Games- cod black ops2 including all maps up to date on a 4gb configured memory stick,modern warefare3,black ops,midnight club LA and need for speed undercover. Also a NEC plasma sync 42" monitor which I play the x box on. All relevant wires an plugs for everything Swop for an air rifle,hushpower or anything considered. Thanks matt, pick
  14. Countryside alliance do insurance as well.
  15. Thanks for the comments guys think I might do another early one Thursday morning.
  16. Is the break barrel a stoeger x20 suppressor?
  17. When I've watched you tube clips when people plug the pump in it shows what pressure is still in the cylinder but on mine it shows zero evrytime is this normal I'm a bit bothered I'm over filling it because of the gauge,an today after filling it was hissing from the valve but after a few minutes it stopped but still shot like it was charged.
  18. Had a couple of hours this morning on some new permission where there is a lot of rabbits an the farmer wants them thinning out.I got 5 with the Webley axsor .22 but gave two away before I remembered to take a pic .
  19. Thanks engraver just a quick question for you when I got back I went to refill cause I'm out at half 4 in the morning an when I plugged the pump in it still stayed at zero but only took about 8 pumps to get it to 190 again is this normal?
  20. Just had the new rifle up on my land checking its zeroed an it was pretty bang on at about 30 yard so on my way home called in to a farm I know has a lot of rabbits an crows an asked the farmer for permission to thin them out an he to my surprise said yes so I agreed I would be there in the morning early doors.so driving back up the long lane I spotted a rabbit sat under a gate sunning itself so quietly got the rifle out and bang first kill with the new gun.
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