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About buchse

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  1. Born in Germany and imported at 11 months of age, sire of a litter born 5/9//09 Sire and dam have field trial awards www.aranykennels.co.uk
  2. name='thurso jack' date='May 22 2009, 08:14 PM' post='1067505'] nice dogs how do they differ from GSP,s or GWP,s in terms of work?? also anymore pics?? Their heritage includes the spanish falconing dog which is also in continental and english spaniels but also included are scent hounds, water dogs and rummage dogs which were the foundation of the German spaniel the wachtelhund. Old scottish setter blood was added when the flintlock was invented to increase nose and pace but not in such quantity as to change breed type, hence the discription of the breed is German marmalade w
  3. Am often asked what I've crossed my spaniel with and I usually reply a Roti !
  4. We have Deutsch Langhaars pure German bred since 1999. This kennel has owned HPR's for 25 years and can say these are the best dogs we have owned. They are exceptional trackers, hunters and game finders, can swim in the coldest of temperatures and are soft mouthed retrievers. We have used them for all types of quarry and are hoping to complete blood tracking with the Bavarian Mountain Hound Society. All our imports have UK field trial awards which to us proves this breed is adaptable to UK field practises. They are the oldest of the 3 German hunting breeds and are used for feather, fur, d
  5. once again to get anything from the u/s and the parent club in germany, they will not release dd blood to be mixed with gwp's from aust/nz and the uk, due to the lack of breed wardens and the breeding of untested stock, i have been trying for years to get some fci reg blood for down under, we have a versitile gundog club and testing in nz now and it won't be long [bANNED TEXT] we are able to get the good stuff here as the dogs are put through the hunt tests, importing more english breed gwp's will not help as they are not tested, even ones with crufts wins ..........why would he be looking at
  6. How about a German Longhaired Pointer?
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