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Everything posted by Mustelid

  1. Is it one of the new style collars mate?
  2. A friendly, reliable vet is a godsend. Good luck, I'm sure it will go well.
  3. Yes mate. If the weather is decent Monday I might take the nipper for a day out.
  4. I think they have a lurcher and terrier show on the Monday. Has anyone been in previous years?
  5. 1st litter Albert, sister to yours.
  6. Is there anyone planning such a litter?
  7. They look great! Are you going to keep the two or will you eventually prefer one and rehome the other?
  8. This pic of a first cross has been up before, I'm sure D.C. will recognise her. Now sadly gone...
  9. I have a load of the above that are looking for a good home or else they get recycled! Free to anyone who can collect near Monmouth
  10. Just had a chat about this thread with a mate of mine. The question we couldn't answer is why aren't there more about?
  11. I have got a copy, no idea what it's worth though.
  12. This is a really interesting thread, with some cracking pictures. As someone who has kept spaniels longer than lurchers, it's worth pointing out that there are spaniels and then there are spaniels! The more lightly built trialling type would a lurcher programme in my opinion. Truther and Arcticgun have both bred some decent pups, I must say they sound like my type of animal.
  13. Now that's what I call terrier work 3 £15 Now that's what I call terrier work 4 £15 Now that's what I call terrier work 5 £15 A passion for coursing £30 Of Dogs and Deer £55 I'm not sure what the postage would cost on these books, a couple of quid or so perhaps. I might have a spare copy of Extreme Lurcherwork, will have a look later. I'm looking for a MK3M Ferret Locator, a Bellman and Flint and also recent EDRD magazines... So open to suggestions/swops etc.
  14. Still for sale folks. Apologies to those who replied to the thread earlier, I've only just had a look.
  15. Are you in touch with many of the owners?
  16. There are racy labs of all colours if you find the right lines. On the shoot where I go beating a couple of the pickers up are keen trialling guys and their labs are lean and fast. They can also do a fair amount of work. Some of these dogs will be worked three to six days a week during the season and they keep on going! It's the same with spaniels... A friend has a racy Field Trial Winning dog that he works three days a week. This dog is as fit as they come and the work a decent spaniel gets through, smashing cover etc is at a fast pace so they need to have sufficient stamina.
  17. Do you look to catch any game when you're out and about like that Fuji or is it just a case of enjoying the surroundings?
  18. Cheers Wuyang. Can I ask if you've lamped her at all? Is she quick enough to catch rabbits regularly? I've got a Field Trial Winner springer bitch and I've often considered a fast lurcher across her for some decent rabbiting pups.
  19. Lovely looking bitch. What size is she? Can she catch game as well as she can hunt?
  20. I've got a bitch out of Nell to the litter brother of the pointer cross on the DVD.
  21. Do you happen to know for any well bred pups Giro?
  22. Thanks for the offer Macca, but I've heard poor reviews of those rat attack smokers. I'm looking for a homemade chainsaw/strimmer type.
  23. Can I ask how is the rough coated dog bred? Looks a nice type.
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