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Everything posted by Mustelid

  1. I didn't go to this one last year and was just wondering if its worht going this year? I think the terriers and lurchers are on the Sunday?
  2. My Kelpie x has had a few pheasants, but far less keen on them than she was. The reason for that is that I take her beating quite often so she has got used to flushing them and moving onto the next one. Doxhope, my bitch has also caught a skylark... though one which I'm sure had been clobbered by a sparrowhawk first.
  3. I've just come across a good supply of tripe for 20p a pound. How beneficial is tripe? I have two spaniels and a lurcher and give them a varied diet, though I'm ashamed to admit that it does consist of quite a lot of dried food, Skinners Field and Trial 26% protein. I'm in the process of reducing the quantity of dried that they eat and hence was wondering how often it would be wise to feed tripe? Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the replys folks. Sounds like they are a good bet, but do I want to shell out 200 notes for a second hand one though?! I'vfe done a fair bit of searching on the tinternet and it appears that they do hold their value, so I'm unlikely to pick up a real bargain. Will have to have a look down the back of the sofa!
  5. I've been thinking of buying a Lintran box second hand after seeing them for sale at shows and getting fed up of my car smelling worse than the dog kennel! Would any of you folk recommend them? I've seen one second hand locally, the guy wants £200 for it, says it cost him £450. It's a double compartment effort in very good order, though I'm finding it difficult to part with that amount of cash!!!
  6. Impressive photography Mr C! Well done to Gem for keeping cool in those circumstances, must have been tough. Not quite sure how Molly would have fared...!
  7. Just got back in after an hour out. Molly had another two rabbits, from five runs. She definitely seems to be 'wising up'. Cracking way to spend an evening!
  8. Molly 2 Rabbits 0 Cracking couple of hours out, rabbits everywhere, must have seen 40-50 and that was in 6/7 fields! The first couple of rabbits she ran came close to ending up in the game bag, but didn't quite make it...! Run number three I was sure went tits up as dog and rabbit went over the brow of a hill and the muppet holding the lamp (me) lost them both. Before you know it I heard a squeal and it was in the bag. She carried that rabbit 50 yards back and then started to bugger about a bit so I walked off into the next field. She followed and brought it to within a couple
  9. Nice one Mike! Blowing a gale outside and the monsoon has stopped, so I'll be out in an hour or so. Wish me luck!!!
  10. Was just wondering whether any of you good folk had any experience of using an IR lamp in the kennels? My spaniel damaged her leg badly a year ago, and I've noticed that as the temperature drops, she is becoming a little stiffer. So... I was going to rig a heat lamp up in the kennel. Any advice appreciated.
  11. I'm a school teacher in a rural comprehensive, so I have the pleasure of teaching a number of kids who are into field sports of one sort or another. One young lad is ferret mad, and even brought one of his ferrets into school last term. He often seeks me out for a conversation and yesterday was telling me about an old 'ferret line' that he had found in his grandfathers shed... so I took the opportunity to tell him about the ferret finder! Took the magic box and collar into school today and spent a few minutes at breaktime showing him how they work. He was amazed and he's saving up to
  12. That is a helluva lot of ferrets Kye! Thanks to Mike, I will be collecting an experienced Jill this evening. Things are looking up! Look out rabbits...!!!
  13. Afternoon fellas! This particular jill has had perhaps half a dozen oppotunities to prove herself, and though I don't have the experience of many on here, I have owned a couple of decent ferrets that did the business. Hence my worries about the quality of this particular animal. With regard to feeding ferrets before work, mine have always been fed before an outing and its never been a problem in the past. She just lacks a bit of 'va va voom' that you can spot in quality working animals of any description. As I'm an old softie, she will be given a few more chances, or be passed
  14. First outing with the ferrets this season, with high hopes! Molly the Kelpie cross was out too, yet things did not go according to plan... I have two jills which are two years of age, so this will be their third winter so to speak. Due to a number of reasons they didn'y get worked until the back end of last season, and then only had a few outings. Molly was nowt but a babe then, so it was hard work ferreting without a good marker and novice ferrets to boot! Still, one or two rabbits did meet their maker, yet I was not impressed with the quality of the ferrets work. One of the jill
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