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Everything posted by Turkey

  1. Turkey


    working in didcot tonite anyone know is it snowing up there yet
  2. ********************************ATTENTION LAST 20 ODD POSTERS********************************** READ the thread before you post up the same 3 jokes that at least 8 posters have put up before you
  3. block busters has probably been hit by the fact its easier to get films off the net now that going to high st to rent them
  4. Remember by watching it youre supporting it
  5. Have you got a pic, how does it differ from a normal Tbar
  6. Theres hundreds of decent lads about who have been digging for donkeys years, you wont see them in a book, or writing or editing them, you wont see them at big shows squabbling like little girls if they dont win, these are the backbone of working terriers, not the other types, why would any genuine digging man want to draw attention to themselves by writing or being in a book, why write books anyway they serve no purpose than draw attention to us..... its all just about fame and money.
  7. Give Dave Harcombe a bell and ask him about the job the tv types did on him
  8. Flyingfox makes the best Ive seen
  9. Why come on here for advice then take no heed, if you reserved 1 of these pups you obv gonna get 1 so why bother asking about it on here, people like Liam Dee mac and me have seen it all before thas why we're so critical
  10. so all the lads that are full of gas and wind can make silly threats -- truth is they never get what they really deserve a good fecking kicking . dead right, they probably members anyhow
  11. As nice a man as BN is he will lie through his teeth when it comes to terriers
  12. Tuesday, Jan 08 2013 . Is the date showing on the papers page in the link.
  13. Its in todays paper, its taken this long for them to decide that this piece of shit has a "right" to a family life in the good old UK
  14. We must be the most cowardly nation on earth, we allow the filth of the earth to illegally settle here, rape and kill children and still we dont kick them out, welcome to britain the most spineless country in the world
  15. I feel a marketing campaign coming up http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/156345-1st-terrier/
  16. some people still work em like before, believe it or not. I know
  17. Turkey


    Nothing will change until we take to the streets and forcibly take our country back
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