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Everything posted by kevin-Day

  1. It looks like a lurcher which any keeper or old bill would spot from a mile away! Times are changing take a good long look at the Old type Drovers Colie what comes to mind? Collie lurcher? or Collie?
  2. Yes the ghost is on youtube a top class match dog I think he was from sandy bedford-shire, my old lurcher bitch had his blood, she was bred by billy at Royston, Best bitch I have had, her blood is still in my lurcher now mixed with Eve line..
  3. Nice to here , this kelpie dog which hunted up while lamping could have just been down to the trainer flicking the light Cant get over these pricked ears look like they have fox blood HA HA out-crossing I Just dont like pricked on any lurchers I had a whippet-greyhound with them once, what with grass seeds and crap.
  4. Yes the kelpie was a drovers dog before it was cross to a dingoe some can be sheep killers from what I have read up on them, not for me! I have been told they are very head strong hard work for lamping.
  5. Lol,I suppose they are original droving dog lines,untouched,re discovered ,blah blah blah. Seen dogs like that sold as pups for £120 up round hay on wye pmsl. yeah £650 for original droving dog and at the end of the day they look to be a old line of Collie lurcher also there not KC doys yet!! So £120 up round hay on wye sounds like you could be on the right track.! LOL
  6. Yeah they used to be lots dogs on the streets years ago but you dont see any these days not down my way anyway! the breeder up in Derby said she has a bitch with a very strong hunting drive, much leaner looking same shape as a saluki, she said her stud dog has a low hunting drive his more boxy, the breeder also told me she has a young dog that she bred which has just won the fly-ball championship! but she wont let anyone use them over other breeds she said people have asked about putting her dogs over collies. She also said she has a litter of pups now but 650 each so thats the end
  7. Just phoned the breeder and importer she has a litter of pups now 2 dogs 1 bitch left.
  8. cant see why it would it be any better than a collie x to be honest but could be a usefull x Yes thats why I asked on here if anyone had one or had seen lurcher crossed with one! The more you look at them and think about drovers dogs, men which were on the road for weeks at a time, this dog fitted the bill for them and must have been a very good hunter, there is only one way to find out for shore and thats to breed 1 litter of lurchers if this uk breeder with these 3 stud dogs will let use! I have sent her a email, sending a tex in a bit, I have a good bitch here just need
  9. Yes I know what your saying about some people wanting to make a name, but I truely think this dog could really make a top class lurcher or an all-rounder if the right breeders put there minds to the job, and could use a nice stud dog from bath, they look like they could have lurcher blood already looking at the long back and long neck, well they were a Drovers dog so they could well be the old black & tan lurcher hence this is why they were taken to the USA . maybe if the right person reads this and can find a stud we could all be in for a nice surprise! I to love the old Collies here
  10. I would think its because most farmers use collies for herding sheep, these are more of a drovers dog from the old days moving cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, and fowl from one market town to another for resale. Plus there just not here in numbers I have been looking other the web for them and only seen one website in the uk with 3 dogs. I know years ago there were black and tan lurchers use for lamping and ferreting but i think these may have been the old welsh collie lurchers which have all gone now.
  11. Nice idea but its just a farm collie, and there are plenty of these about, its just finding the right sort. The English Shepherd primarily is used on different livestock species, including cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, and fowl. English shepherds both herd and protect livestock. English Shepherd is also a guardian of property and livestock, and a hunter of game and vermin on their territory.
  12. like 137 of your posts... well come on just look at that dog why would you breed with that mug We are talking lurcher working dogs not longdogs
  13. Times are changing you can spot a lurcher from a mile away! Take a good long look at the Old type Drovers Colie and ask your self whats in its make-up, now what comes to mind? Collie lurcher? or Collie? you tell me mate The English shepherd dog have the head of a quick thinking collie nice back of a running dog , nice long neck for a quick strike and pick-up plus they have good feet. The quickest way to tell the English Shepherds from Border Collies is the English Shepherds have an upright, loose-eyed herding style. where the Border
  14. Drovers are far from being a dead breed call them what you will herders Drovers or stock men ! USA with the English Shepherd which is said to be the best suited for farm and ranch work, where these dogs are also used for hunting! Australia kelpie : Kelpiesand dingoes are similar in conformation and colouring. there is no doubt that some people have deliberately mated dingoes to their Kelpies, and some opinion holds that the best dilution is 1/16–1/32, but that 1/2 and 1/4 will work. some do will kill sheep New Zealand : Huntaway herding dog : They are well known for being
  15. I believe the first bedlingtons were bred up in the town bedlington, from a cross with a then hard working french water dog, the Poodle which I guess was for hunting otters and other water game back in the day, here in England they added whippet blood to other breeds for foxing and rabbiting, like the Old English Black & tan terrier x whippet which gave us the Manchester Terrier a very hard dog which could take game twice its size, today the Manie lurchers have more leg around 21"than show dogs of only 16".
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