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Everything posted by kevin-Day

  1. They used gsd x greyhound round here some years ago now for pulling down big boys and fox, black & tan pup would do nice
  2. I would put a 21" 3/4 working whippet x 1/4 collie over a Saluki mate smart and quick,with lots of guts
  3. Very nice x what size will they make.top photo pup on the left looks a cracker
  4. Where you been? Times changed to be stealthy a few years ago. When ban came in there was pic of a tidy 3/4 collie 1/4 grey in cmw and in a nostalgic or even romantic way it's a great idea,looking like a well worked hill collie, But this isn't the pre ,s plenty people keep pet working/sighthound breed dogs now,so it's easier to blend in,wear millets or FatFace finest and your just out for a stroll. An if your wife/kids pet spaniel/terrier/mongrel flushes something towards your pet/rescue Lurcher/greyhound/whippet or saluki then it's accidental as its in their genes/ instinct. if you want t
  5. Yeah we have the od buzzard but not that many, but the kites look like they are the problem they must be taking the young hare and rabbits,as numbers are really down now, and its not from over working as I have 3 patches and rotate, I have see od kites in 1 area but around aston I seen around 6 pares all over the hare fields, once they have cleaned up they will move on I gess.
  6. A bird that only eats Carrion has know need to make fast dives like the photos above on it, read up on them they take game ok,
  7. Times are changing take it from me, you can spot a lurcher from a mile away but this type has the look of a nice old collie
  8. shared images from Photobucket
  9. Yeah me to but we get bye! it was hard going as a kid at school
  10. Hertfordshire , Aston, walkern, we had lots of game, but not now!
  11. I have seen the hare and Rabbit numbers going down fast. in my area over the last 3 years also seen a lot of RED KITE over the last 3 years! Do they take hare and Rabbit? Red Kites are predators and take a wide variety of live prey, ranging from small mammals, amphibians and birds. Red Kites are distinctive because of their forked tail and striking colour - predominantly chestnut red with white patches under the wings and a pale grey head. They have a wingspan of nearly two metres (about five-and-a-half-feet), but a relatively small body weight of 2
  12. We had a springer x jack for finding and putting them up, good nose on them!
  13. No joking aside lads I am only making my point in showing they are better old Collie breeds for the job out there, I would have one of these pups if I had the room but dont. A stud dog would pay for him self 10 times over in know time, what with all these flyball collies breeders wanting to use them too. If 1 or 2 of you put some cash in the pot you could buy one of these 2 dog pups before their gone! Thats the last thing I have to say on them, now its down to you Collie lurcher breeders to get the line going.!
  14. Here you go lads, if you dont really care what a lurcher looks like why not back breed them to The Lancashire Heeler or Australian Cattle Dog Heeler, Now you will have a lurcher with the right size legs for kelpie and collie short necks just think no diving at rabbits they can chase them down the holes, a real all-rounder
  15. Yeah these collies lurchers with short necks would be better of with short legs too, then they might get a good stike in, and dont need to jump on the game or over run..he he. This will put your dyslexia into a catatonic fit! ..lol fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too[/font] Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wro
  16. Hi jcm Click on this photo and you will see my 2 pups at 13 weeks they look same type as your dog! your black and tan dog sounds and looks a nice type! what breeding is he? and what size is he? have you got a larger photo you can put on of your black and tan dog! cheers
  17. Sorry to here that mate, have you tried looking on the likes of the BLUE CROSS website, someone may have taken him to another area and tried running him, so he could be anywhere by now, try the websites... GOOD LUCK
  18. HA HA so I can get my bitch into a mini boot..lol Only jokeing! nice one!
  19. Yes I will keep you updated, I just hope they make a fare size over 19" :hmm:22" would be nice! you will see 1 of the boys round the shows next summer but I wont say to much on here! if I was to use or buy a kelpie x which i cant see, I would go for one with a lot of whippet blood red-fawn 3/4 whippet 1/4 kelpie without the fox like prick ears!more whippet rose ears Collie type lurchers Dont get me wrong I think Border Collies are one of the best dogs in the world as a farm dog, but Collie crossed with greyhounds they have that short neck, most first crosses have bad feet,
  20. Drovers are far from being a dead breed are you jokeing or what! open your eyes call them what you will herders Drovers or stock men ! Just look around the world to places like United States , Australia, New Zealand, USA with the English Shepherd which is said to be the best suited for farm and ranch work, where these dogs are also used for hunting! Australia kelpie : Kelpiesand dingoes are similar in conformation and colouring. there is no doubt that some people have deliberately mated dingoes to their Kelpies, and some opinion holds that the best dilution is 1/16–1/32, but t
  21. Not really they need to keep an ear out for the likes of lurchers..lol
  22. nice pare, lined? putting the kelpie under the spot light, I wonder if old charly is in there gene pool.lol This U.S. Drovers dog is a long way of a new breed , we just dont have these collie breeds anymore in the u.k. not in numbers anyway
  23. not trying to be funny mate but by breeding one litter of lurchers how is that going to tell you if they are any good give the best bred dogs in the country to the wrong person and they will end up useless to average . and cannot agree that border and beardie crosses give you bad feet ,have you been around lurchers very long . Yes had lurchers and ferrets for years, I use to take the kids ferreting back in my late 20`s great fun,the kids and the dogs loved it, just got 2 young lurchers now and a 4 year old, but as time moves on and I now have grand children to keep happy,I dont really get
  24. Yeah sounds like a load a guff to me too, the collie and kelpie breeders dont like it here..he he
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