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About leeross

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  1. I'm thinking of going to CLA. haven't been before. can anyone give me any advice.. parking, queue for tickets etc etc cheers
  2. fantastic website everything from hunting, fishing, dogs etc great.
  3. Nice flies there mate. and some quality pics/fish Do you use some kind of wire trace with the fly rod? ive tried knotable wire but just twists like mad.! and how do you get the eyes to stick? cheers
  4. Dihastu fortrack or suzuki jimny. both and they are very good little jeep's.
  5. I dont mind a bit of stockie bashing. You can test out you newly tied home made fly patterns to see if they work.if they do happy days. Then if you go somewhere and everyone is struggling to catch put one of you own fly's on. That something different will give you an advantage when the fish are bored of all the common patterns.
  6. I have 2 questions before i splash out £150 on a tidy handycam/laser setup - how much visible glow is there (if any) from say and odicforce 200mw laser? And how much light or glow is there reflecting back onto your face from the flip out screen of a sony handycam? thanks
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