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Everything posted by webster

  1. get your gun tunned , my mate has a stoeger and its a pile of poop , i would try a strip and relube or see if you can get a service kit for it will prob be cheaper and you will end up with a gun you already know and will love even more just my 2p mate hope it helps
  2. im 5 hours away and would still travel down again
  3. i met tony of sfs fame about 2 years ago when i visited the shop on a whim i bought a 2nd hand hw80 of him he explained all they did and was one of the most genuine people i have ever met , the time and energy he has for are sport is endless we were meant to be going to altentowers but bypassed it by a a few miles lol everyone has their own idea of what a tune some use buttoned pistons some use different lubes i know tony likes to use the standard piston seals but v-mack use their own seal made up of much harder material the proof is in the shooting and plenty of us swear by him and his
  4. selling off sone of my riffles hw77 full length in .22 running a 25mm piston .wearing a cs500 stock with adj butt pad and a tasco world class 3-9x40 and fitted with a v-mack kit and a standard piston seal , slight rust spot on the metalwork ,rowan set back trigger £250 + post or f2f the rear of the stock has had a bit filled clear too see in the pics . , hw100kt in .22 as it came out the box 18 months ago mounted with a hawk night eye it is what it is £530 + post or £500 + post without a scope ..happy with f2f if you want
  5. whats the deal bud , this place getting a bit like bbs
  6. up in sunny scotland but happy to post if its what you want ,
  7. fancy a swap for my hw77 in .22
  8. this any use to you sir http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/303157-hw77-for-hw80-swap/
  9. will take £200 for the rifle or £250 with a white tail classic scope + post
  10. sorry bud already have a .22 hw80 , cheers for looking
  11. is anyone interested in a swap for my hw77 full length , its in .22 fitted with a v-mach spring standard piston seal . slight rust patch on the action . im looking for a hw80 or 80k in .177
  12. its yours andy . my wears a cs500 so im glad its going to be used as its just annoying her in charge , pm me when your ready its not going anywhere
  13. got a rounded end stock here bud yours for the postage cost if your interested
  14. had 2 80s now both second hand and they are bomb proof i always buy second hand as the cash you save is well spent on a tuning kit not that they need them but the kits do smooth them out alot . , buy second hand bud that way you can also spend the spare cash on a nice piece of glass to put on top just check some gorrila aint been in to it and fitted a dreaded ox spring great guns and you wont be disapionted .
  15. prob not but i like tinkering , think i might just spend some time honing my shooting on the standard stock and see if the groups improve
  16. pianoman is it possible for you to put a pic of your modified stock as my standard stock could do with stripping and refinishing and im a joiner im quite happy to have a go at modding the stock just would like a pic to get an idea what its meant too look like cheers
  17. kinda fallen out of favour with hawks stuff my rang finder went tits up and so have 2 scopes now . the frontier seems to be one of the better scopes but all i can find is the 30-30 rets , time will tell for the tasco , the 77 seems to have a much smoother firing cycle to the , will keep my eyes peeled .
  18. bud i wish i could find a the hawke scope you have on your 77 would be going on my hw80 but i can only find them in 30-30 ret and i like the holdover points marked .
  19. just back from a weeks holiday in orkney and while over their the missis bought me a new scope as a surprise , now when the missis usualy buys me something for my shooting i cringe as sometimes its cash down the drain im glad to say this time it looks like she was paying attention , i got handed a second hand tasco world class 3-9x40 mill dot scope with low mounts ,the optics seem to be nice and clear and after the last 2 shooting outings the mill dots work spot on with chair gun by hawke . the idea i has was to put my hw77 full length back in its standard stock as the 40mm lens and lo
  20. Its good to see you manage to still blame the English for what a Scott voted in by the Scott s is going to do to the Scott s .If a rabid nationalist is still working for the English I guess there no hope for any one.. Not meant to sound anti English sorry ,its just the scottish government have no real power and this is a sad attempt at looking big and daunting when all they are really doing is picking on the little guy .
  21. Is their a time scale for the licence implementation yet or is it still pie in the sky for now ?
  22. This ain't filling me with confidence . Think I might be one of the lucky ones as I have permissions to shoot over so as long as the farmers are ok to sign a licence form it shouldn't be too much of a problem for me . But I must admit I'm thinking of upbraiding to a FAC licence as if I'm going to have to put my 80k on a ticket why not put it on at FAC levels . I feel sorry for the folk Who plink as this can be a lot of fun but it sounds like that's stuffed too . I'm just curious how they are going to implement this as the idiots who are causing the problems don't give a crap about law so
  23. gonna give that a try i only shoot out to 35y max as i dont feel happy shooting past that as i tend to shoot springers out in the fields , , sounds like your gonna fit in here welcome on board
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