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About mancterrierman

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    Born Hunter

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  1. ive got a 5 month old hob recently become a hoblet last thurs (had him castrated) before this he couldn't be put with another fert he was just to ruff [bANNED TEXT] any we tried to match him [bANNED TEXT]. Will this now calm him down and anable us to giv him a companion cos i don't like seein him on his own. I know it might take a couple of months for the opp to show any signs of effect buy will it work? Also if it does calm him down shall i try him [bANNED TEXT] another hoblet or a spayed jill? Abt manc
  2. ive got a 4 month old hob just wandering if i was to get another hob of a similar age or younger would they get along well enuf to be housed together? cheers manc.
  3. size dosent make a ferret a greyhound ferret, its overall body shape that does.
  4. thanks guys not bothered if he is or not just wandered thats all, and i agree tarn is an ace name aint it got the idea when i was walking the lake district.
  5. hey lads, this is tarn he's me first fert and just thought he were your average stinkmart until i read the post on greyhound ferts and i realized he has alot of the qualities of the type, think he might be one just wandered if someone who knows abit more about could confirm it for me? these pics are crackin considerin how fast the lil bugger moves. atb manc
  6. always intrigued by the greyhound type ferret and always wanted one but dint think id ever get one, anyway just got my first hob from a guy rond corner and noticed he were really long and very pointy faced for a hob, after lookin at the pics on ere im certain he is greyhound type. How lucky, ill get a pic on here tomo if i can get the lil f****r to keep still manc
  7. my new hob is ten weeks now and has stopped nippin, had him since 7 weeks, I just persavered with the handlin and held his top and bottom jaw together for couple of seconds with abit of preasure if he did bite. Soon stopped
  8. i know lol found him just down the road from me aswell.
  9. alright folks read somewhere that alot of albino and white headed ferrets are actually deaf, quite common apparently, wandered weather you could still work a deaf ferret does it affect em that much read that ferrets dont tend to use thier ears that much anyway so dont really make much difference to em? atb manc
  10. we found when feeding the polecats at the nature center where i worked that feeding to many chicks caused hair loss after a time, vet said its was down to too much ceretain in thier diet which was from the yolk sacs in the chicks so we reduced it to one each a week and the hair grew back.
  11. just thought id introduce you all to me new best buddy, first ferret ive ever had and i only wish id had him sooner. what a crackin animal they are. why dint neone tell me how great these little buggers are.
  12. well its bin a couple of days since i posted this thread, and after alot of handling and persaverance he is turning out to be a cracking little ferret nipping has pretty much stopped me kids love him. Thanks for all the advice guys.
  13. just wandered, just got meself a 7 week old vlack eyed white and he's abit nippy nowt too bad like, but you hear people say there ferret never bit em. Just wandered if mine were a little rouge or more bite than not? Thanks
  14. thx alot lads, great stuff. now then [NO TEXT TALK] know [NO TEXT TALK] whos got some for sale round the west mids?
  15. alright lads always been drawn to ferrets for some reason but only ever kept me dogs, and am in a position now space wise and that to sort meself a good little set up out and get meself a polecat hob ( thats what ive always wanted ) talkin to one of the old boys at work the other day who said he used to work ferrets back in the day and he were sayin that they are never fully tame and always nip no matter how much they are handled,is theis the case i were always under the impression that if well handled form young the quite tame little creatures like? let us know lads tah manc
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