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el barba

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Everything posted by el barba

  1. Been asked to post some pictures in other forum. I want to share here too, being this a (THE) hunting forum. http://imageshack.us/a/img547/9707/imagen310i.jpg That's me, a couple BAM B51's, a Menaldi Jaguar and my beloved Gamo Dynamax (the black one). Also guests to the party, some feral pigeons that tasted our pellets. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/546/dscn6323.jpg/ Here you can see why they are such a plague to the agriculture. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/833/dsc04293h.jpg/ A pair of young vizcachas, great eating. There are some
  2. That's for sure Davy. Nice to meet you, even this way! Seen your great videos. KUTGW
  3. There are people who eat them. Most (myself included) don't. They say it is good eating... Problem is: those parrots, as well as pigeons, come by the hundreds (in some agricultural places by the thousands), so in a lucky day of plague control you may end up with a couple hundred birds in the bag. Bags actually, the type potatos come in 50 kg. pack. You can't sell or give them for free as few people is used to eat them. Usual procedure is to save some pigeons for a meal or two an bury the rest. And the next hunt, you find the same, if not bigger, number of birds. Landowners are forbidden of us
  4. Mans calibre... LOL really!!! What about a .25... giants calibre??? Mine is (will be after arrival) in .177 and I'm not a lesser man because of it. BTW I also have a BAM B51 PCP in .22, just in case... LOL again! Seriously, I think outside diameter should be the same in both calibres, the only variable being the size of the hole inside, of course. I understand they are 15 mm. Agree?
  5. The gun ismade by BSA Tony, you may be able to get one. But it is a triffle short of 44,5 cm. Wouldn't be too long for the short Ultra barrel? Then you could not fit a silencer, unless it is a real slim one! Anyway, the silencer could be as long as the air cylinder, so it could work... Balance would be altered tough and aesthetics migth not be as nice with the long tubes on top of the short stock of the Ultra.
  6. Just to introduce you one of my PCP rifles: It's the Gamo version of the BSA Ultra, mine is in .177 calibre. Loves JSB Heavies, H&N Baracudas and many many more pellets. Not at all fuzzy... DYNAMAX http://t1.gstatic.co...N2UB7cnBhPVg6OQ ULTRA http://t3.gstatic.co...9ENosDctGjXNB98 It is also made by BSA in Birmingham, but with a longer barrel and air tank. Same outstanding accuracy, but power about 25 feet/pound. Do you know / like it? Juan P.S. Photos not mine, taken from Google
  7. Now I know who to PM for advice in the future. And I mean it really, no kidding here Yet... I'm still on Adm. probation folks!
  8. As I've told in my introduction, I'm waiting arrival of a new .177 AA S200. I assume it is a Mk III. Could you tell me the exact external diameter of the barrel at the muzzle? Is it cilindrical (I believe so...) for the first inch or so? I want to start machinig at a friend's shop an aluminum one piece sound supressor, and, to start with, I need that number. It will be hold in place with grub screws (we call them "prisioneros" - prisoners) instead of threading the barrel at the muzzle. Any suggestions are very much welcome! Thanks buds, Juan. Anybody willing to discuss subjects not polit
  9. I once went -only once- for a rat shooting night at a pigs farm (remember "Animal Farm"? ). Don't know why haven't do it again... It was as rewarding as shooting lions in Africa with a .300WM, of course, on a smaller scale. Will try to get another try at it. Sad we dont have the luxury of NV devices. They are very expensive to get here!
  10. We have the same problem here in Argentina. Only bigger fields than you have, but equally hard to get permissions. Too many morons have made bad things like cutting wire fences, stealing cattle, setting fires, etc. As usual, good people pay for others sins. I always introduce myself and thank the owner, permission given or not. Ask him/her for any other landowner who might be interested in vermin control too. What we do not have is any kind of insurance for this type of activity. Think my car and home insurance company would call police or the asylum if I ask about such a thing! Read the BASC
  11. Hi, I'm new to this forum and from across the Atlantic Ocean. My name is Juan and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm waiting for a .177 AA S200 to arrive. Meanwhile, I've been doing SOME research in several UK and USA forums (little work for Google). Also have a .22 BAM B51 (good chinese copy of the Huntsman, I understand) and a .177 GAMO Dynamax, which is the GAMO version of the otherwise excellent BSA Ultra with the same MMC and a longer barrel also made in Birmigham. Nice, powerful and extremely accurate gun. Mind you: 950 fps with.177 JSB Heavies and 1050 fps with .22 JSB RS!!!
  12. Hi, I'm new to this forum and from across the Atlantic Ocean. My name is Juan and I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As for the fellow question, I understand (correct me if I'm wrong) that the mags for the retrofit AA S200 feeding mechanism do not have any springs. Actually, I believe it is only mechanically actuated, and it has an adjusting screw in the underside of it that may be the cure for the problem. I'm waiting for my own AA S200 to arrive, meanwhile, I've been doing SOME research... Best regards from the other side of the world "down there" Juan
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