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Everything posted by sniper2011

  1. Them pics are nearly as bad as Fuji. There for making me wanting to self harm.
  2. Them pics are nearly as bad as Fuji. There for making me wanting to self harm.
  3. heard this same song about mal x and they was found to be just bigged up cyber dogs,if the gsd was as great as you say then why are they not popular
  4. quick question socks,as its your dog bowl i am looking at,do you think dogs need veg ?
  5. you lot still at it after all these years
  6. nice mate i will be having sumat simler bred beddy whippet gh x bull gh so will be nice to see how yours comes along where are you getting your pup from gaffer if you dont mind me asking.
  7. sniper2011


    nice one fat lad your be back to grooming in no time,all the best si
  8. is that true??? reece and those that need to know,will know where and how billy was bred.and tbh billy himself was a well bred animal.
  9. Sorry mis-read. think he missed Fox out mate by accident....but yes that's my idea of an all rounder i did say fox,but to some it must also flush retreave and ferret,and do all this in the day,is there such a dog ?
  10. if a dog took every type of deer,red fallow sika roe cwd munty,fox rabbit hare,would that not be as close to an all rounder as you can get ? .
  11. billy never had any mastiff in him,he was a genuine f1,out of london.
  12. bottom line,nv should be apart of your lamping kit,even the crap ones can be made better,with the aid of a infered filter and lamp.
  13. Il ask ma mate he ran way max and his owner. But im sure I've poped the question to him before. And he's said it's never.
  14. i don't think scotsmans max was ever put to greyhound.
  15. nv is as much part of my lamping kit as my battery pack,i wouldnt leave home with out it,on ground thats hot i can walk all the ground knowing there no chance of me being seen till the lamp goes on to run the dog,unless the keepers or land owner useing nv.
  16. good idea giro i am sure a few dog lads would donate.
  17. nice one paul your a gent for doing this.
  18. rew i would breed from your bitch,better the devil you know then some bummed up thl bitch that will at best be very average,if you need a dog that will pass on things like good feet and wind use a well bred coursing dog.
  19. imho for what its worth,there are fare to many bullcrosses on thl that make the grade as tested dogs. only on thl
  20. The fellas a gypsy himself aint he? hes no pikie
  21. i would get around a few yards,it will deffo be pikies AGAIN.
  22. anybody who has anything to do with travlers will get it in the end,to them your a gorger,so its ok to steal from you.theres a lad on here that had hes dogs stolen twice,one phone call to the right travler and the dogs was returned,sounds a result,but fact is if lad never had nothing to do with travlers hes dogs would never have been taken in the first place,fact travlers steal dogs.
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