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Everything posted by sniper2011

  1. I've only had 2 sheep killers. And both dogs I could walk threw sheep during the day or night. But once they had a run on Somthing and missed it and if there was a sheep about that got it
  2. sound good what's the breeding of the cousing dog if you don't mind me asking.
  3. A good well bred half x bull bitch over a well bred coursing dog you can't go wrong.
  4. why go to the hassle to get stuff sent over [BANNED TEXT] there's better stuff over here.
  5. so the man that can only lamp can not have an alrounder I wonder why you would say something like that.stop trying to please everyone jd you lamped plenty and it never hurt the sale of your book scooby.some of us are onto you........your a fake.
  6. Any lurcher its all in the raising and training ......... bull shit.unless there's a bit of bull in there it wont be an alrounder
  7. I used to like you carl.now I just think your a peddling c**t.
  8. Not doubting your craftman ship gaff. But any chance of doing me some leather bondage stuff I pm pics of the stuff I would like done if that's ok.
  9. It's not me gaff it's that Davina he's a proper wee deva.?
  10. Blue rope all the way and i bet half thl will agree. Because I'm constantly losing mines.
  11. As you say each to there own. But blue rope better.?
  12. Blue rope does the trick don't see the point waisting money since I'm a tight arse ? It's not if its going to make the dog run better.
  13. Waist of money better off way a bit of blue rope?
  14. If your looking for greys hill its junction3 of the m80
  15. Your right just out greys hill open from 6 till 2 on a Sunday.
  16. There's a place in Falkirk that does minced chicken beef and salmon. Don't no the name of it but they advertise on the grehound site.
  17. like I said gaffer I have read on here that people have em,but I am yet to see one myself,one day maybe.
  18. been told there out there,but never seen one.
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