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About scubadog

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. Wow....only 20 days to post it!!
  2. Just showing your real colors now. Have you even posted the lamp yet? You seem to have enough time to be talking crap on here. It becomes poublic business when you make it public....you prat.
  3. Gou wouldnt mind if it was a month!!!? I would be pissed of if it was longer than 2 days!
  4. If the guy has paid ghen post it. I wouldnt care what hours you work.....get it posted. Sounds like your the scammer......just send it or refund him.
  5. From my personal experience one of the trouble with bait boxes is the trouble of where the rat dies. if you are feeding animals hay or moving straw bales nothing is worse then when a rat has crawled on top of stack and dies. You then taint the hay or even worse when you pull a bale down end up covered in rotten rat! Also the issue this particular farmer has is when the local cats catch poisoned rats and eat them. So as much as I would like too use poison it is unfortunately not going to happen.
  6. Today I decided to knock on a farm to ask for permission to shoot some rabbits. To my surprise the response was - yes, providing you can clear some rats at the same time. The farm is a smallish farm with a few cows some pigs and chickens. The rats are apparently in the barns. Poison is not an option according to the farmer as it is in close proximity to houses and cats. What is the best way to start getting into the rats? I have rifle, silenced .410 and air rifle though I guess that traps are likely to be the best bet? If so what sort of traps would I use and how are they best s
  7. Looking for some more permissions. I plan to door some dorr knocking / flyer dropping. Just wondered if any one has done a website advertising pest / vermin control? If so has anyone had any response?
  8. Nice work. If you don't mind me asking how do you think the small holder new of you? Have you dropped flyers or anything?
  9. Cheers for the tips. So did you make a flyer or actually make presentation with powerpoint? Did you target farms? If so how did you find their address?
  10. Looing for a decent PCP multi shot air rifle. Preferably .22 will consider .177 for the right one. Looking for a full set up, must have Rifle (RH) Scope Moderator Other things im looking for (but not essential) Sling Lamp Bipod Air refill hose I am in Dorset. Will travel to up to 50 miles otherwise will need to be posted. PM me, let me know what you have and what price your after. Cheers
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