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Everything posted by Pagey_90

  1. You should get your stud fee back its not only fair but if the studs owner has any respect for your eforts at finding a conclusion to the problem its the least he can do, even if he does your still out of pocket , some people are just in the game for the money . Thats my opinion
  2. You even put haha at the end of your question , what you expect
  3. Iv used the stoeger x20 a few times for crow's and squirl was droping them easily from 20 to 30 yards, av looked into the trigger someone mentioned, so think im gona go ahead and get the suppresor, thanks for the advice guys
  4. The reason I was thinking of the stoeger is the fact its cheap so if it only gets used a couple of times a month it wouldn't bother me to much. Were as if I bought a £400 gun it would probably annoy me so id end up selling it, got a price of what I need , I can get stoeger with scope bag torch all for £200
  5. What woul you's recomend for a budget of £300-£400
  6. I can get it for £150 with the above said scope Just need a decent light set up, any recomondations on scope mounted lights?
  7. Got a couple of good permisions on farms to do some ratting, was thinking about getting this riffle as its got good right ups online, would this be ok in a barn for rats with scope mounted light? Just like the look of it and its very quiet
  8. The wee jack will not be long in growing if its trying to eat baits like it did, wish I had a spare fish tank id have took it home
  9. Last week I had 2 at 10lb and 3 at around the 4 mark Got a new pb today though! Looked perfect today but wasn't fishing well 4 runs all day 2 producing fish This took a half macky beleive it or not my new pb Thought this was a good one it striped a good 10 yards of the baitrunner Could only get a quick pic as it was deep hooked Still a good day beter than working anyway lol Gets the line stretched for the trip to loch maben Cheers
  10. Me and a friend are heading out for the day , this part we fished last week and landed 4 good fish, going to dead bait roach on pop up rigs, will post up pics of hopefully some good pike , enjoy your work boys im going fishing lol
  11. Will do al drop u a message a couple a days before hand
  12. Personaly I think camo only looks good with synthetic stocks imho, good job though
  13. Cracking read, I had my 9ft fly rod and reel with me last year and my mate had a pike fly wih him, we blanked al day on deads so I thought why not, set the fly rod up and couldnt beleive What hapened, 1st cast never fly fished for pike before striped it 3 foot from were it landed and bang, 4lb pike on the fly 1st cast, going to buy al the gear next year It maybe only small but it was a good pull
  14. 12ft rod big reel tripod few gripper weights ,best starter rig is 1up 1down rig imho so a few of them, there good for a variety of fish, u can get a full kit of ebay with rod reel box tackle and tripod, my mate got it as he's just started does the job,and an esential bait elastic
  15. Pm me your best price inc postage to ayrshire in scotland, I can get this gun for £150 bnib from a local gunstore
  16. Im going there at the end of the month, dead bait rod out and sit with a feeder and maggots I usualy enjoy catching on the feeder more than pike
  17. Hes got plenty energy, and has got the bottle as I found out last nyt [bANNED TEXT] he had a go at a dog 5 times his size never seen him like that but was surprised, a recon he would work only one way to find out
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