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Posts posted by sureshot.177

  1. Hello one and all I recently put a post up concerning correct calibration fo my scope and how I didn't no what I was doing after a few replies with great advice I was offered to have it done for me and shown the correct way to gather and enter the data (ark at me with the clever words haha)


    This man who has taken the time out if his day to help another shooter to set up his rifle to absolute perfection is Davyt63 I owe this man a huge Favour he is an absolute gentleman and look at his groups at 60yards




    Thanks again to davyt63 for all his help and patictence

    I owe you big time

    • Like 4
  2. I'm having problems using chair gun pro is there anyone out there that could help me work it all out I've watched the videos on YouTube and I'm still lost (bit of a simpleton) I've got my fps weight in grains/grams and I know my foot poundage if I need to pay someone to have a look I wouldn't mind thanks again dan

  3. Thanks guys its all pointing towards the prosport but there just something I love about the tx200 I went down me local shop who had both on the shelf and they both suit me seeing what ill get for the hw at the moment it's hard to part with it but it is making shooting a little boring an I don't do a great deal of hunting and really want to learn how to handle the recoil

  4. I think it going to have to be theeeeeee


    I don't know

    Been down the shop they both feel very nice in my hands and seem to fit me the same but having got to hold them made me choose the pro sport only due to the tx being very front heavy in my opinion just need to sell up and get one on order thanks guy glad I asked as I would of bought the tx200 otherwise

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