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Everything posted by Moran

  1. its the dogs bollocks for me mate I'm well glad I picked it over the wild cat . I think people are put of because you can't open it up to clean it but if you look after it and and spray it with wd40 like it says to do then I can't see a problem Wild cat way tooooo big!! And they scratch your barrel not good
  2. You find a good round stick with it,as I know as living close to you, getting amo consistantly can be a challenge, so I load my own now,but if you can get a good supply that suits your gun you are a lucky man,keep with it I get them from Gardner's guns near long town don't know if you know it ? Where abouts you from ?
  3. its the dogs bollocks for me mate I'm well glad I picked it over the wild cat . I think people are put of because you can't open it up to clean it but if you look after it and and spray it with wd40 like it says to do then I can't see a problem
  4. never hered of that been done here I'll have to look in to it I doubt it like as we can't have guns shipped to our doors
  5. I know what you mean Darren I thought it would be prone to damage the threads if knocked or flex when fired but I have been proven wrong I love the mod . And am with you on that john to have faith in a round that is that accurate makes me forget about price mind they ain't that bad I pick them up for 24 to 25 £ a box of 20 can't complain really
  6. What a perfect little round I zeroed my 243 at 150 yards 5 rounds within 3/4 of inch so went out last night couldnt find a fox so I sat in a field with plenty rabbits and was head shooting out to 200 yards great fun even though I was soaking wet also was first time out with ASE ultra north star and was shocked on how quiet it was the rest of the rabbits weren't bothered by the bang the crack of the bullet hitting target was louder
  7. Polystyrene is one of the best also use your hand I also use a fax call from www.foxcalluk for about £10 they are really good .every fox acts differently some will come running in with first call some try to run round you to get your smell some like loud calls some like quiet high pitch like a mouse you just have to get out there and learn but don't take the shot untill you know your going to get it cause if you miss you ain't going to get it they get wise fast feild sports Roy Lupton has some good tips and there is plenty DVDs out there to watch and take tips from
  8. Nice rifle mate did you get it from Afghanistan
  9. Hi do you want tips.on what to use or how to use different calls
  10. Hi every one I would say mainly 11-12 and later but some nights and different areas can be earlier
  11. Oh dear I hope the gun smiths can sort it out mate let us know how you get on
  12. It's worth checking it out mate doesn't sound good from what your saying
  13. From what I know which ain't a lot you should be taking the mod of every time you put the rifle away as it will weld its self to barrel and destroy the crown . I clean my rifle and mod after every outing
  14. Hi Charlie caller yeh I took the mod in with rifle and we did check every thing you mentioned also its a synthetic stock which I have been told it could be that flexing but gun shop said he didn't think it was
  15. Yeh the mod is right for rifle and I have had the rifle for a few months now and it shot perfect with bipod its just the mod I have taken it back to the shop since I sent this post and they think it could be badly cut threads and crown have you ever heard of that
  16. Just be truthful and they will help
  17. Nice one happy hunting get the freezer ready
  18. Hi everyone I just want to ask if any one has had problems with the threads and crown being badly cut before I ask this as I have just got a sound mod for my 243 and it is shooting all over the target it is an ASE north star ultra so I can't see it being badly manufactured as they are from Finland and they don't get stuff wrong if any one has experienced this beforeor heard of it I would like to here from you thanks Paul
  19. I agree deker they are made that way for a reason why mess with it
  20. No it can't but you just spray wd40 in it and that cleans and protects it
  21. I bought my CZ 452 with a 16 inch barrel perfect size for me with sak sound mod on
  22. O have the 243 Remington sps and thought the stock was fine and could get some nice groups but I have just put a north star sound mod on and now can't get a group it jumps all over the target so thought had a dodgy sound mod but after hearing it could be the stock am now thinking it is the stock
  23. Hello 243ACK when you say flex was did you have a sound mod on
  24. Just been sighting in my Remington as I just got north star sound mod and I couldn't get it centered I used Remington p acutip 75 and 95 and lapis 100 grain before the mod went on I could get inch group at 100yards with lapua I don't use any clamps or stands just me in prone with bipod what my doing wrong
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