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About Matley

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I have the shrouded model .177 Mk2 , got a Sak mod on which is shorter than most and buts up nicely to the shroud , however its not as quiet as I would like so am wondering whether to get the dedicated R10 VC one or remove the shroud ( know the barrel wont be threaded ) and fit adapter and HW Mod or better ? Correction , just took the shroud off and the barrel is threaded . Checked it with the shroud off and Sak attached direct to barrel and not as quiet as with shroud/Sak mod on .
  2. Here is a thread I created a few yrs ago on a wildlife forum , several posts from relatives/people who knew him , worth a look http://www.wildaboutbritain.co.uk/forums/people-and-groups/42241-kenzie-wild-goose-man.html Julian
  3. Different head position on stock/movement in bipod ?
  4. Worth putting a wanted advert up , I was looking for a Hawke 400 and a chap was selling up and I got a 3 week old 600 model for £85 .
  5. not at the moment thanks Ok thanks for reply , bear us in mind if you do decide to split though .
  6. Just wondering if you consider splitting , and if so price for silencer/scope . Thanks
  7. Know what you mean , sold my SX3 shotgun the other week , cash tucked away safe because I may just use it for other things .
  8. Thanks for the remarks everyone , appreciated .
  9. Is postage an option , dont require the single shot adapter , all original paperwork/receipts present ?
  10. Thanks to Mod for moving to correct area .
  11. Whilst I was carping with son earlier this year this colourful chap came and had a look at us
  12. As long as the Clay Club holds a S11 Exemption ( most do ) and your g/f is not disqualified from possessing a shotgun .
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