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Everything posted by ecp2012

  1. Just seen this - absolutely brilliant - can't wait for the sequel!
  2. Seems like to had a brilliant day - enjoyed the ending, going home very happy!! By the way, love the look of your rig ATB
  3. Pianoman - Thank you for the comprehensive answer - I have only just had an opportunity to use the gun again and following the advice of bigmac 97kt tried the cushion approach. The grouping was better but after 5 shots my finger was definitely smarting. I can't imagine continuing to shoot like this and will be following your advice about NOT shooting the rifle at least until it has been seen by someone else. I am definitely coming around to the same conclusion regarding the servicing which makes me determined not to make use of his services again - I fear that you are correct about the 'nothin
  4. Thank you all for the advice. bigmac95kt - It's great to hear that there are people like Pianoman who could be consulted if necessary. andyfr1968 - I think you are right about the washer, as I recall the gunsmith telling me that he had a make one. thursodog - warning noted. When I picked up the gun and asked him about the power, he told me it was near the legal limit - no chrony figures provided and as I dont possess one cannot be sure. It certainly doesn't have the 'yellow pages' penetration power of my HW95S ;-) I will also see who else might, gunsmith wise, cast an eye over i
  5. I have recently returned to air gunning after a gap of 30 plus years. I discovered my old Diana G80 in the cupboard under the stairs and as it looked in reasonable condition, took it to a local gunsmith in order to have it serviced. Since its return I have put between 100 to 200 pellets through it and have been really disappointed. When I collected the gun I was told that I would notice that its power had increased with the installation of a new spring. The gun is now unpleasant to shoot. There is significant surge which results in discomfort in the trigger finger after a few shots and it
  6. Hello all. Decided I would join the forum after lurking for a while. Have visited a number of airgun forums and feel yours is the most congenial! I have recently returned to airgunning after having previously last shot as a teenager. Early retirement has meant more time on my hands and while I enjoy fishing for carp and have done so for many years I feel another hobby/pasttime would not go amiss. I have just had my elderly Diana G80 in .177 serviced by a local gunsmith who thought that it was one of the nicer examples. I am amazed that it wasn't rusted - it had lived in the cupboard un
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