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Everything posted by Southcoastcourser

  1. I will later mate fishing at the moment ill take some when i get back later
  2. Will put some pics of pups up later when i get home ill pm you with price and cheers
  3. Posh is j.bradfords luke x loftys sally rooster is fella ( casper x snowy) red sonia (caulfields joe x susie (snowys sister)
  4. Yes mate but people change there minds sure they will go they are very well bred so have every chance of making very good dogs they get the best of food from me then it up to there new owner to bring them on.
  5. Have one bitch pup and one dog pup for sale due to lads pulling out of having a pup pm me for details
  6. Cheers toby pups are bred well enough only time will tell i know pups from her first litter sre doing well and the posh x bulldozer pups are doing real well one of my lads dog pup out of posh x bulldozer is going to be a real decent thing.
  7. More than very good mate she was top class field or fen I know she was top class seen what she does to field hares at her age you know what will happen get a idoit slagging the bitch off or rooster i love the bitch she is so clever speed she has for a old girl its mad god knows what she was like at 2 year old.
  8. That will be macca who had posh she was a very good bitch.
  9. Posh still do it very well in the fields bit to old for stingers on the fen she is a very fast clever and really boxey and seems to put speed into her pups her last two litters it has.
  10. Hes got speed and loads of stick and posh is a very fast bitch her last 2 litters the pups have got plenty of speed they seem to have carried her speed so fingers crossed get them between the two and will have a real decent things got some very good breeding between them so got every chance
  11. Yes got a little bit of coat posh alot more coat hes a big strong dog posh a big bitch got some good breeding in there posh seems to put speed in and rooster will stay forever very chancey thats for sure.
  12. Thanks tintin29 the posh x bulldozer little are doing well so far some very promising dogs all doing well but have lost one hit a dyke broke leg had to be put down which is a shame very nice stamp of a dog thats part of the game this litter is going to be very chancey litter only time will tell.
  13. Cheers mate they are coming on nice couple of them are monsters they are nesrly 4lbs at 3 weeks makes the other pup look little but same as size of posh x bulldozer pups at there age see how they turn out.
  14. Two red and two black and tan all have white chests or socks.
  15. Pups at 3 weeks two monsters dog and bitch both just over 3 and a half pound.
  16. Loctite gel is good used it loads of times on pads heals up fine make sure the cut is nice and clean before you use it.
  17. Guess thats van goth the lads dogs out of posh x bulldozer are doing well hopefully they will be good nice strong pups same as last time.
  18. Went on twice for some reason but been a long night
  19. Posh had 4 bitches and 4 dogs will put some pics up next few days lads
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