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Everything posted by Southcoastcourser

  1. See if i get any better offers than 150 for him its a insult to me and the breeding of the dogs i dont mind a offer but dont insult me just inbox me. posh x stevie pup running very well from what ive heard.so are the posh x bulldozer pups so seems like she throws a good pup.
  2. Well ive had some good offers on the last pup up to 125 now pay more than that for a whippet cross for lamping i know its near xmas and money is tight but im not mugging the pup off i will keep the pup if it turns out a good one then everyone will want it you take your chance with a pup but at leastt these are well bred pups and have every chance of making a real decent dog nothing wrong with pup hes coming on nice ill put a few pic up later of him.
  3. Rooster was a top dog and very well bred his breeding speaks for itself and posh was a top fast bitch and a very well bred if we have got the breeding right these pup will take some beating only time will tell but im sure mr big ears will take some stick next year.
  4. Goldfinch sailor is coming to pick his pup up you can jump in with him to pick pups up mate.
  5. Nice one paulus caught red handed and your right able all quite now that misfit been caught out and everyone knows it now.
  6. It doesnt bother me mate as long as the pups go to a decent home and get to do there job they are bred for and i know the lads that are having the pups are all top blokes that you can hear how the pups are coming on and good dog men im looking forward to meeting them they are all gents im sure the pup will go if not ill keep him on myself and run him.
  7. There is still a dog pup left if anyone want it pm me your number and ill send you the some pics of him.
  8. Cheers for that davey and real glad your pup is ok now and running will speak to you soon mate be lucky!!!!!!!
  9. All the good stuff seems to do that very thing!!! Lol the haters soon come out to play in the right hands im sure they will cause a few topics on here ;-)
  10. Thanks for that pal makes alot of sence thats how it should be and hopefully one will end up a top dog maybe most of them.
  11. Lol no id not allow someone with such an insignificant opinion to rattle my cage pal. As for knowing every dog in 20plus years of prooven bloodlines is near impossible unless u were thhe man who bred every dog but....what i do know along with all tge other lads who are up to date [BANNED TEXT] coursing is that tge bloodlines are prooven top working stock put back to top working stock which give u the chance to get something good as with any puppy in this line of work there is no guarantee. Now to 'lottery tickets' lol so your saying your breeding are a sure bet and guarenteed to be a top worki
  12. Lol no id not allow someone with such an insignificant opinion to rattle my cage pal. As for knowing every dog in 20plus years of prooven bloodlines is near impossible unless u were thhe man who bred every dog but....what i do know along with all tge other lads who are up to date [BANNED TEXT] coursing is that tge bloodlines are prooven top working stock put back to top working stock which give u the chance to get something good as with any puppy in this line of work there is no guarantee. Now to 'lottery tickets' lol so your saying your breeding are a sure bet and guarenteed to be a top worki
  13. so does that mean all the pups dropped to his price ??? he said he kept the deposit give on the pups.surly the deposit should be knocked off the price I have dropped the price so someone will get 50 quid off and only dog left bitch has gone.
  14. So bullx mating well bred dogs your end up with aload of crap mating crap with crap thats when you end up with shitters and jackers you run a bullx i take it do you know the breeding of rooster or posh i very much doubt you do as you run a bullx they arent my thing so dont have something to say that you know nothing about and go and see if you can get you nose out of derek ass you fool.
  15. I will send you some pics of pup to you as just got in from fishing a comp mate Got nothing to do with me speaking highly of them you cant know the breeding of any decent dogs the dogs speak for themself through there breeding which you havnt got a clue about that is plain to see Didnt think it would be long before one of you idoits said something i bred the bitch she is mine you stick to your bull crosses on you rabbits on the lamp BULLSHIT,true what derek say,breeding lurchers with lurchers you end up getting mongrel lurchers,in the greyhound world you can put the best top line to a
  16. So why are you on this topic crackers whats this got to do with the other lad ive not made a comment on the topic your on about ???????????
  17. If anyone want to see pics of pup pm me your number and i will send you some pics.
  18. I will send you some pics of pup to you as just got in from fishing a comp mate Got nothing to do with me speaking highly of them you cant know the breeding of any decent dogs the dogs speak for themself through there breeding which you havnt got a clue about that is plain to see
  19. your having a laugh here lad,400 sterling for the bitch,or does that include a holiday in the price,no wonder the pups are still for sale,at the end of the day they are only pups and they have a way to go before they make the grade even if they make it or are you guarantee that they will make the grade.Funny how all the other pups sold and the 2 lads that pulled out lost there deposits on the pups everyone has a choice i take it you cant afford to buy one you would want to pay 50 quid on a top bred pup. So now the bitch didnt have 8 pups you idoit always a twat that wants to bitch why dont yo
  20. your having a laugh here lad,400 sterling for the bitch,or does that include a holiday in the price,no wonder the pups are still for sale,at the end of the day they are only pups and they have a way to go before they make the grade even if they make it or are you guarantee that they will make the grade.Funny how all the other pups sold and the 2 lads that pulled out lost there deposits on the pups everyone has a choice i take it you cant afford to buy one you would want to pay 50 quid on a top bred pup.
  21. It said up for grabs and i will put it in the for sale section when ive done the pics of the pups .
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