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Everything posted by Southcoastcourser

  1. My lad has split up with his mrs ive got him at mine but posh doesnt want him in the house he hasnt got anywhere to keep the dog so hasnt got a choice really nothing wrong with the dog hes a decent thing and hasnt had his guts run out.
  2. I have a posh x bulldozer dog for sale inbox me for details genuine reason for sale.
  3. He will be going to posh and there is a decent 2 year old dog which is posh x bully thats up for sale the lad split with his mrs so is going to sell him i think.
  4. did you get stuck at the shoulder ????? or are u up further ????Why dont you stick to standing in a feild of sheep with your wellies on and a spare pair for the sheep you idoit
  5. Bring your dog over on to the big land still mr right around.
  6. They were both very good dogs its a shame you always get crabbers
  7. Well jack still didnt count ali first run which he could have and people trying to say bully cant stick a 4th or 5 run lol ive seen him do it as northantscourser knows so much and mr powers the crabber why didnt you put up that ali missed his first run and jack didnt count it and why dont you both go and match jack bullys had 25 matches and hasnt lost so if that was ali that had to have his 5th run would you be saying that about him????????
  8. Ali ran first missed it so jack said not to count it just think everyone should know that and you dont get much more sporting than that ali was happy that jack let him off the run and it didnt matter anyway as jack had 3 out of 3 and ali has 0 out of 3 on same land
  9. Another win he ran 3 and had 3 out of 3 im sure he will get crabbed at some point even though hes proven himself yet again well done jack and bulldozer top dog both were in the match
  10. Not missed a thing since late october so much for him only being a 3 run dog !!!!!!!!
  11. He looking well mate look real nice when hes got those nice fluffy ears back in the winter lol
  12. If you have two very well bred dogs you are always going to be half way there being fed the right way as a pup grows and not being run to death by the time its 12 months old helps as well some very well bred dogs are burned out by the time they are 18 months old i think you need a little bit of luck as in the dog doesnt get hurt bad but i really do think that the breeding of both dam and sire and there blood lines have a very big part of how the pups turn out.
  13. I cant wait for her next season to put ozzy to her be a very good litter mate.
  14. She still goes ok in the fields mr big ears has had it when she is on
  15. With what we keep between us sailor will have some breeding j branford luke,loftys sally, barney, penny, red sonia, fella, thatsjust grand parents
  16. He said hes going to pick your ozzy x posh pup pmsl get a good set of clippers if i was you mate
  17. Going to run some mixie rabbits with him mate he might catch one of them if hes lucky pmsl
  18. Hes coming on nice will put a few pics up of the other one later
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