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Everything posted by delswal

  1. sounds like its not just your head shes f***ing with
  2. well it sounds like she is getting banged rotten to me ................
  3. looking a nice set up there mick ...... nice job well done ........did chid tell you how to do it ........ bang tidy mick bang tidy
  4. age old question asked many times .......yet to be resolved all down to personal choice ......end ov
  5. ya may get some good stories lol.........true stories might be another thing altogether ............and advice lol.......ask and that will come thick and fast lol.......followed by some heated discussions lol............good luck
  6. yeah you listen to coypu hunter and only take head shots with that .22 .........and when the fox moves at the point you are about to shoot .....watch it run off with a bullet in the jaw ..........not likely........ .22 hornet and above .....heart and lung shots every time
  7. just sat here ...and i got to thinking who is the biggest tw*t on here ? cannot really decide if its ....deputy dawg, stabba , or boots ??? others opinions are greatly welcome

    1. tilfertilfer


      ffs your like the f*****g chuckle brothers lol

    2. stabba


      I downright resemble those remarks lol

    3. mick c

      mick c

      can u please count me in lol

    4. Show next comments  384 more
  8. ya want to get in chat go to ya history and log in that way .......if a thick fcuker like stabba can do it anyone can
  9. living next door to stabba ............
  10. so back to the original question ...........how reliable is a 90 off road .........
  11. do 90,s come with armour plating ? just incase .......i know the chances of ever needing it would be slim but you never when it may come in handy
  12. so what you saying stabba .....the 90 is cannon fodder ? or the driver cannon fodder ?
  13. would like some feed back on just how reliable a 90 is off road ????
  14. drop me a pm mate .......i will have one of the plastic ones on lanyard........will send cash
  15. j dog pm me your address mate and i will post you a few quid for some snap for the dog............only thing i want in return is when ya see the lads who ya took the dog off give them a reminder not to get another dog .........a big reminder....... pm me mate will help with a few quid
  16. get posting lee lol.......if ya get stuck gimme a ring pal
  17. yeah .....ive seen them .....scruffy looking fcukers they are too
  18. when i got my certificate it automatically came as an open licence ? just named one farm suitable for firearms ..... .22 .22 hornet .243 .308 all open. North Yorkshire police must be of the understanding as stated by twotwothree, that if a person is deemed suitable and trustworthy to shoot over nominated land they are trustworthy enough to shoot over land deemed suitable by the shooter............shame rest of the uk firearms licence departments don't follow suit.
  19. cash only ya welsh tit ....same as you got .............wake me up on sunday morning mick and i will engrave summit
  20. david ......sssshhhhh you will give folk the wrong impression of me
  21. thedogman199 knife arrived bang on time pal........product as described .........100% genuine guy to deal with will deal with again anytime thanks again pal ....quality knife
  22. yea thats what the farmer next to us said or its going to be used in a big robbery i just hope i get it back. Aye, cause it`s so inconspicuous that nobody would notice it ootside the Bank ! Edited to add,, would the robbers not be quicker getting a getaway bus ? na there was one the the paper they used a hilux to pull a cash machine from a wall and drove off with it. well looking at that truck i think your safe...........because i doubt that tatty old thing could pull ya foreskin back never mind a cash machine out of a wall
  23. just buy one and try it ! if you get it wrong you wont have to worry about shaving again anyway
  24. fcuk me 95% of every day consists of things i should never have probably done
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