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Everything posted by delswal

  1. just checked its here as plain as day ..........dated 2002
  2. tbh pal on a serious note ..........i bet he gets the certificate if you are no longer living at the address on the application form........i served time at one stage in my wilder days lol........and a few weekends in the local police station lol......... i have both a shotgun and fac certificates now ......... oh and a tv licence
  3. try letting it out of the kennel now and then jo ..........
  4. visit a shooting a ground ........try and buy .........asking on here will only confuse you more with the amount of different opinions you will get
  5. Got a toe of couple of years ago 100 quid.3.5 k do you really think its going to work again and for how long. Each to there own but if you think I'm talking bollux I know you are and the vet must love to see you coming....... Vet "book a holiday love westys been in again" 3.5k ffs i would have phoned the insurance company .......gimme £1500 i will have the dog pts....insurance company saves 2k you make 1500 and the dog is no longer suffering .............everybody happy ......and a lesson learned ........DONT RUN YA DOG NEAR ROADS
  6. well in that case he is fcuked lol........unless of course he is from the posher side of hartlepool ......(owton manor) ............king owsy . clavering , headland , easington way , throston , mmmmmm......move or buy an airgun lol
  7. good luck Anthony i would drop a landowner / farmer a few quid also for the right permission......
  8. load of bollocks ....if your a wrong un and you visit ya dads house......thats enough reason to refuse .......and dont listen to monkey hanger they all wrongs from up there
  9. same as ........seems to be about the norm
  10. well IF aliens do decide to visit .........for fucks sake i hope they dont make the same mistake as the monkey did and go to hartlepool first
  11. There are a LOT of people here who haven't shot anything like that quantity in their whole life. 10,000 a year equates to approx. 27 a DAY, EVERY day of the year, that is a LOT of rabbits, there will be very few that achieve those numbers. I don't shoot 27 rabbits every day of the whole year, that is just a silly comment. if you had any experience of shooting rabbits on a large scale as I and other pest controllers do then you would appreciate that 90% are shot at night using nv and when I say night it isn't just a couple of hours, it is normally dusk till dawn. some nights obviously
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/24114464 try that stabba
  13. was that before or after lou n mick sent you to chatsworth jo
  14. seems to me chris just hi-jacked the thread for an argument , if you were remotely interested in what the man had to offer you would have pm him...but no you chose to pick him to bits , if ya not interested in the mans products keep off the thread , i am sure there must be better things to do than troll through THL forums looks for threads to pick to bits
  15. budget and comfort ..... .........or better still visit a clay ground and try various guns
  16. a friend of mine has one ......he simply told the police it was for fox control as he did not wish to own a rifle , he was granted the variation , north yorkshire police .
  17. I'll give neems one thing though, he is steadfast in his opinion which although I don't agree with it, is a rare thing today......i would like to give neems one thing also.................a weeks holiday in Israel ..........
  18. Don't know if you noticed theres already a ban !! not in northern ireland they aint .....hence the thread title to which i past comment on
  19. just hope alvarez does not come out to quick ,or i can see mayweather picking him off and out boxing him for a points victory. for alvarez to win he will need a knock out or a stoppage imo
  20. if you cannot be trusted to keep a simple thing like an arranged appointment ........maybe he might think your not trusted to keep firearms
  21. finger pointing by our media does prove guilt , for a fair trial for all, its about time the media wound they fcuking necks until the case is over , innocent men and women have been imprisoned , and guilty have walked free thanks to the input for our media , far to much influence is generated from our media
  22. i have one .......simply put on your variation " for pest control " ...... corvid shooting , rabbits bolted to the gun .
  23. I've taken in both sides of the argument and come to my own conclusion. have you? or have you just watched and read what a handful of jews and the soviet union say happened? here's a documentary which is slightly pro hitler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVgIJSOrKeA though it is made up mainly of small concessions given in anti Hitler documentaries, it's long but at least watch a chapter or 2 if you can. "or have you just watched and read what a handful of jews and the soviet union say happened"? So the american and british forces who liberated europe and releas
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