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Everything posted by delswal

  1. can never seem to up load pics in here striker…….but imo you won't go to far wrong with ppu……..i recently got a grouping @ 125yds what ya could cover with a 20p piece …….and at £12.50 a box its very happy days
  2. I use ppu ammo in my 6.5x55 and get excellent grouping ……..but like chuck said some rifles eat em for fun some hate em …….if you get stuck for ammo Henry Kranks firearms from bradford is a supplier of this ammo and will send a minimum order of 100 rds to your local firearms dealer …….well worth the money if your rifle likes them ….90 grain are £62 per 100 , 100 grain are £65 per 100…….good luck with them hope ya rifle likes them they will save you a few pounds if it does
  3. Maybe the farmer and cushty thought the future lambs and present stock more important than a fox ? .
  4. Good night out , what torch were you using by the way ? after a decent torch myself
  5. well before ya give advice next time walshie ……check were the man ya advising comes from tornado from south yorkshire quite a way from surrey , may just be a case of different forces different rules ……..north yorkshire police at one time , if certificate was closed and land was named thats all you could shoot over until varied for other land Yes thanks for your words of wisdom del. I'm fully capable of reading where he comes from, as I did before I tried helping to answer the lads question. I'm aware how far that is from Surrey and I'm also aware what a closed certificate is.
  6. well before ya give advice next time walshie ……check were the man ya advising comes from tornado from south yorkshire quite a way from surrey , may just be a case of different forces different rules ……..north yorkshire police at one time , if certificate was closed and land was named thats all you could shoot over until varied for other land
  7. What was your last username? And what was guys username that sold you dog? How old was it? I'd want it back if I bred it personally HM if you bred the dog and sold it , what makes you think that because the dog is for sale 5yrs down the line your entitled to have it back ??
  8. If tornados conditions state the certificate has been granted for shooting over NAMED land and is a closed ticket , he cannot use the firearms on any other land unless the conditions on his certificate are changed to do so , regardless wether the land is passed or not
  9. Why not? OP says land is passed for all calibres! Because if he has a closed ticket the firearms officer will have to check the land first to approve it However if your friend has an open ticket you could shoot under his supervision as long as you have the permission from farmer No he can't, he has to adhere to the conditions written on his own certificate, not his mates. exactly charlie …….the nominated land to which the certificate holder can shoot over will be named on his certificate , flout the conditions on your certificate you risk losing it
  10. If you or your friend has an open ticket and permission off the land owner to shoot thats fine: if you deem the land suitable. No need to call the police for clarification over the land if you deem it suitable.If you do not have an open ticket you can't shoot the land even with the farmers permission.
  11. Well from the time i have been on here I've yet to see anybody get to sell a dog in peace or without his thread being hijacked
  12. saluki family dog showing potential …….that should start and interesting debate amongst the saluki lovers in here …….oh and hi Hixxy
  13. i have the x-bolt ……and found the cheapest ppu ammo suits mine best ……..excellent grouping @ £12.50 a box ……..paid £26 + for branded names and they got spat all over ………….not always a case of expensive is best ……..different rifles like different ammo……..start with the cheapest find one ya rifle likes ………STICK WITH IT
  14. why not ring the vet and ask them ? phone call won't cost ya nothing
  15. On the top picture the image on the far right hand side is the stamp mark that indicates its suitable for steel…..so if your chokes are stamped SP your shotgun is proofed for steel shot
  16. if ya took time to read what i quoted on ya would see who mentioned 5,000 laying birds and 60,000 poults …………..and the killing of vixens of cubs is a must for the protection of lambs
  17. culling vixens with cubs for the sake of lambs i can fully agree with 110% ……………….but when you have 60,000 birds scratting around …….you may as well bang the dinner gong, every predator for miles will be licking they lips …….out of them 60,000 how many will you actually shoot ???? and if a vixen feeding cubs takes as many as 100 would you even notice ????? ……..its no wonder the antis think we are a blood thirsty lot ……….breeding 60,000 birds to kill for fun ……then kill a vixen with cubs for feeding her young ????? thats how they think …….and we as hunters give the antis all the ammunition they
  18. ask some local with an air gun to come pop a few for ya ………am sure somebody off here would volunteer , can soon reduce them over a few nights
  19. get in touch with mick mck of here , he has a n550 for sale ………£700 i think he's asking for it
  20. just sent him a text but got no reply ?? mmmmm not sure if he's sensitive or ignorant …….no loss i don't really need a stud …….but i did relate to him what does need f*****g
  21. now why the fcuk would anybody even consider taking a dog to a vets stabba ???? plenty of good advice on here lol………
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