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delswal last won the day on July 1 2019

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3,819 Excellent

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About delswal

  • Rank
    Closet airgunner

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  • Interests
    getting on with it and minding my own buisness

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  1. If only you where closer
  2. delswal

    Pet hates.

    And don't forget Brentford ?
  3. delswal


    I'm not anti social........I just don't like people that's all.............but as I've said before pal your'e more than welcome to come down for a shot anytime...........just don't lean on my fence and keep ya hands in your pocket ?
  4. delswal


    Glad you don't live next door to me ffs.........leaning over my fence talking sh1t and begging off me ??
  5. Just apply for 1, tell the truth and see what happens ................I've a conviction or two and a stint or two in her majesties establishments but still got passed for a shotgun certificate and then a year or two later got my firearms.........put a form in pay ya fee and take ya chance
  6. Makes a pleasant change, well bred dogs at very sensible price, can't see you having any problem with the sale of them mate.
  7. delswal


    Greb I had similar heart rumbles not so long ago...............not much to worry about mate, a triple heart by-pass sorted me out I'm right as rain now
  8. Always had ferrets gifted........or slipped the breeder a few quid for the kids...............maybe times have changed
  9. TOMO.......don't you dare try and destroy our heritage lol, Here goes ............... during the napoleonic war a french ship went down off the coast of Hartlepool with no survivors except for one little hairy fecker, so the good folk of Hartlepool pulled this invader out from the sea and set about asking one or two questions, now three things got this thing convicted. The uniform that was worn was not English............so had to be French When asked a question the reply was some what gibberish lol.........so not English............must be French Now the good old folk o
  10. Got a feeling we are going to hear a lot more of her in the near future ..............good on her
  11. A woman not far from me asked if I knew anybody who wanted a lurcher pup, I said I can think of one or two lads at work who cold well be interested, I asked her how are they bred, collie greyhound sire to a beddy whippet gey bitch..........then the bomb shell .........I want £850 a pup and good pet homes only, I got a right bollocking of my missus when I told the woman a few home truths, but I won't be to surprised if she gets the price shes asking, she priced me out of the market by about £750
  12. Have you got an appropriate adult in mind to take your lad Katch lol
  13. Do we have to have the Covid jab or not before being allowed on site lol
  14. ???? and here me thinking Tw-ts covered all the bases ............more confused now than I ever was lol
  15. He lays bricks like a blind cobbler the cnut.............you ok Si lol
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