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Everything posted by redtherocket

  1. red my 2/8 border collie 1/8 beardie collie 5/8 greyhound bred out of 2 working hancock dogs
  2. collies are added to a grey to add prey drive??? :icon_eek: fook me, so far in past few days i learnt colliesx's have bad feet an noo collies are added to greys to add prey drive, couldnae script this pish colliexs have bad feet dont think so. the beardie collies have 1 of the best feet on a dog to work the land that they do. my collie/grey will run on any ground from grass,deep ploughed to quarry ground and has never had a bad injury let me rephrase that, i didnt mean to say that greyhounds dont have prey drive, they are sighthounds and will chase anything that movescollies hav
  3. collies are added to a grey to add prey drive??? :icon_eek: fook me, so far in past few days i learnt colliesx's have bad feet an noo collies are added to greys to add prey drive, couldnae script this pish colliexs have bad feet dont think so. the beardie collies have 1 of the best feet on a dog to work the land that they do. my collie/grey will run on any ground from grass,deep ploughed to quarry ground and has never had a bad injury
  4. a dog is what u the owner makes it reguardless of the cross or breed. most dogs have a working instinct it all depends how u bring it on
  5. my collie/greyhound hancock lines he is a very hard working dog will go all day and all night day in day out.he is 5/8 greyhound 2/8 border collie 1/8 beardie collie very fast lots of brains and braun gives 100% works with ferrets/terriers/spaniels an excellent allround dog
  6. cheers lads. its off his mate the gafer dave didnt have any pups ready for a while,but he put saxon 2 over a full scottish deerhound his friend had and got in touch with my lass who wanted a deerhound cross. so we went down had a look and pick it when it was 2 weeks old, went back down to pick it up at 8 weeks old
  7. his dam was a second generation first cross border collie/greyhound and his sire was 3/4 greyhound 1/4 beardie collie which were both tattooed, but mine is not cause he's not direct from hancock but out of two working hancock dogs, so it would make my dog 5/8 greyhound 2/8 border collie 1/8 beardie collie. yeah the lowest of the low dog thiefs...
  8. nice pup mate. collie xs make very handy dogs got 1 myself a 5/8 grey 3/8 collie
  9. on foot its the best way no hassle with opening and closing doors.
  10. cheers lads. the hancock dog is spot on suffolkpoacher exellent allround dog day/night/ferreting/bushing.
  11. the 2 lurchers am running this season. fawn 1 is a 5/8 greyhound 3/8 collie 26tts hancock lines, the other is 3/4 deerhound 1/4 greyhound 31tts david platts lines
  12. kelpie/collie xs excel at all quarry if given the time and training. ive had collie xs all my life and wouldnt had a dog without collie in its blood but thats just me everyone is different.
  13. this is my dog ive had him since it was a pup. its dam was a blue merle 1st x border collie/grey sire was 3/4 grey 1/4 beardie collie bred out of 2 working dogs from hancock lines. this dog is takes all game on lamp and daytime also top ferreting dog works with or without nets/longnets. works with terriers/spaniels when bushing.
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