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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. some points worth thinking about... It might never happen... but i would like to have the option, i've alway wanted to put a decent lakeland over her, maybe when its closer to the time she'll make the decision, If shes fit healthy and sound, perhaps i'll go for it... perhaps i'll find something more suitable... perhaps.... perhaps... Its all just sometihing to be thinking about...
  2. i dont drink many mugs, one or two in the morning, flask full + 1 or 2 if someone has a kettle out, and often a couple in the evening... its all about the size of your mug guys...!
  3. I much prefer it when they are caught just behind the head, i set one trap in a small wooden tube I made and that caught behind the head the other was set loose within the run, so perhaps I will make a tube for the other one too if that helps a better kill. Both traps where from b&q there own brand both for four quid, I also use a similar rat trap to good effect. Yis bb
  4. Been having a bit of trouble with rats, but have been struggling to sort them, because the mice where eating the bait and not setting off the traps.. So i bought a couple of mouse traps... 2 on the first night set... good start.... YIS BB
  5. Fantastic, so pleased you've decided to keep the forum going...! Thank You....
  6. whoa... .... gonna be a shitter if you do...
  7. I feared that it was probably too late ... id hate to risk my bitches health, for the sake of getting myself a pup... She has a sister born just recently ... who im hoping will be given a chance to show her worth, maybe thats where i'll have to source a young'un in a couple of years...!? Thanks Charlie
  8. I've just read terrierbitchs thread... ..... and it sparked me into asking a question i've been wondering for a while... Ive got a 4/5 year old border bitch, which i'd love to have a pup out of, shes a spot on and very handy to have around... Theres only one problem... I wont be able to have a litter for a couple more years though, because i cant keep another terrier at the moment... whats the latest you can breed from a terrier without risking her health...? Thanks Charlie
  9. both can be pre-ordered, darcy's is released on thursday... Darcy Books... and J. blucks is nov 10th... Info.... YIS BB
  10. £55...! A WEEK...! I'd f****d them right off sharpish... especially if theres was no perks to my job...
  11. I was only thinking this morning that it was about time there were a couple of new books out, and now theres two.... looking forward to reading them both...!
  12. they'll last all day, 8 or 10 hours easy...
  13. sound like they are solid little wagons, They seem cheap on insuarance... I passed my test only a couple of weeks ago, i'm paying £1000 and will be paying £1800 when i renew for my puegeot 306 1.4l.... and a 2.8l turbo fourtrak is £2300, its alot of money... i just have to persuade myself i'm worth it... lol....
  14. Cheers for clearing that one up kay...
  15. Im after a little info on them... I'm thinking of upgrading my dog wagon... after i discovered there fairly cheap on insuarnce when compared to alot of other trucks...! What sort of MPG do you get from a 2.8 turbo diesel...? How do they handle on the road...? Are there any common problems with them...? YIS BB
  16. yeh ,if they continue to rip-off the fans I foresee some sort of civil disorder
  17. Looks nice, I could do with a chance to clear my head, and get things straight again....
  18. they'll eat it alright, it might take them a couple of days... mine will eat an entire partridge in a day...
  19. He looks a handsome fella... i love the look of a nice border, nothing beats a scruffy little tyke...!
  20. borderboy


    i love mooching around with the camera and mutt, it sets a nice tone, it makes me notice things others than rabbits or what ever, you look out for plants, fungi, birds, allsorts reall...
  21. Thats true, its still good gear as far as I'm aware. I have a couple, I live in them when its abit colder, one when i'm in the field and the other when im knocking around home and the garden..... i've had them before but out grew them, and always passed them onto my uncle who used them on site, and realy rated them too.... YIS BB
  22. Looks like a good day... I would love to see blaze work, sounds like he's a corker
  23. i'd say it ought to be a good deterent aswell... you will be more conscious of the pups whereabouts now...!
  24. she has a nice chew on a big wildebeest (sp?)
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