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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. anyone who shoots a dog is SCUM...
  2. What about the advert for crisps with the people picking pepper on the long poles, is that one real...?
  3. the elastic comes over the top of the forks... the strips want to be about 1/2" x 6-8"... It needs two people to do a proper job... it needs to be done under tension...
  4. I've pointed you in the right direction... Its dead simple and the most secure way...
  5. borderboy


    I know a few lads who've had the doblo, they all had trouble with the ecu packing up... although i imagine they'll have sorted it on the newer models....
  6. borderboy


    the VDubs and Mercs are decent vans, but cost about 3x as much as a transit....
  7. Here you are guys... I've not read it but hopefully it'll be of some use... Please let us know how you get on with it...!
  8. I have a wood working magazine here with a full "how to" guide, it looks pretty good, I will see if i can scan it up after i've read it...
  9. also you wouldn't normally insulate a supended timber ground floor as you'd need the ventilation...?
  10. borderboy


    My uncle is a blacksmith and farrier. He did his apprenticeship in the fifties, and the first year was spent pumping the bellows in the forge! He's never been out of work, and still shoes a few even though he's seventy-five. Short career? Not him. I spoke to a few lads about it and the general opinion wasthat by the time you were about 40 most blokes backs couldn't put up with shoeing horses day in day out and being kicked about buy them...
  11. agh now there's a job you will enjoy... f*****g hate using insulation its all dusty itchy horrible shit no matter what you do...
  12. borderboy


    I looked into it, but it seemed farriers only have a short working career, about as long as your back will hold out...!
  13. borderboy

    Your Job

    Apprentice carpenter, I get decent pay, work decent hours, and enjoy it some times... but my hearts never in it, which causes me all sorts of problems....
  14. head shots only for me... I have done a fair amount of rabbit shooting with air guns and have found that with head shots you either get a clean kill or a clean miss... Very rarely hitting but not killng...
  15. Looks like i know what i'll be doing for the next few days, PRACTICE PRACTICE and more PRACTICE....! I'm glad that pellets are fairly cheap...!
  16. been practicing at a bit of a shorter range, 20ish yds, and i have been hitting those 1" chalk disks quite consistently, with the odd flyer...! but am slowly improving... What is considered as the range limit on a standard .177 lightning...?
  17. I am getting about an 1 1/2" at 30 ish yds which should improve with time I'm a little out of practice...
  18. Had the rifle replaced today, it was the barrel...! the dealer was very good about it, just replaced and gave me a tin of pellets for my troubles...!
  19. I've had a good look and I cant see anything at all on the barrel... It does have a £30 jobby scope on the top of it, I'll keep the scope once the rifles sorted, and go from their...!
  20. I think its a Dud then, it was driving me nuts... i couldnt even get a half decent grouping, no matter what i tried... I will drop it in the gunshop in the morning....!
  21. As some of you may have read i have just bought a .177 BSA Lightning... I'm having a complete ball ache zeroing it, and am trying to find whether its human or machine error..? COuld anyone else who owns or has owned one, tell me whether there was rifling in the barrel? its just that i had a look down mine and it looks smooth which seem odd compared to any other air rifle i've shot...?
  22. went around a few gunshops today, unfortunately my funds weren't as I expected, at least not for the time being anyway. So after a browse about I settled on a BSA lightning with a cheap BSA scope thrown in to get me started, with the hopes of an upgrade to an s200 in a few weeks. Have just started zeroing it which is turning into a bit of a ball ache, so. Thanks for the advice I'll bear it in mind for when I upgrade shortly... YIS Charlie
  23. I'm happy to spend a few minutes before or after a session topping up the gun, I dont think i'll be needing to top up during a session, as they both have a decent shots per fill quota, and if i empty it its time to stop either way... what sort of scopes should i be looking at, I imagine ill be mostly shooting daytime, dawn and dusk... probably out of the van or a hideof some sort in the paddocks , at the ranges i mentioned earlier...?
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