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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. As some of you know i am looking to get some experience in gamekeeping. I have been looking at all sorts of vacancys. I have spotted one or two jobs on game farms. Whta sort of tasks are carried out on a game farm. What is the work like? Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks BB
  2. I have a double terrier box here which is gathering dust in my shed... Its a nice well made box, originally made by wilky, heres his description... £35 collected from basingstoke, postage is around £20 but i might deliver locally for diesel tokens... I also have 20 shaped hemp purse nets they have had a little use but only a few days here and there. they are just under 4ft.... £50 collected or plus p&p.... Any Q's just ask YIS Charlie
  3. thanks for the kind comments guys. I'm sure the snow drops will make another appearance before they dissapear. I really enjoyed getting out with the camera, laying on my belly on the frosty leaves in the freezing cold snapping away...
  4. Im trying to get back into photography again, as i have a bit of spare time on my hands atm. So i thought i might try and keep a thread of the bits and pieces im seeing... And hopefully you can offer me a bit of criticism and advice to hopefully help me back on my way... Its been quite a while since i've used my camera in anger, so things are a little rusty and i'm struggling to remember the settings and such i should be aiming for....! ANY thoughts or advice are welcome... ------ I took the time to photograph these yesterday morning... I have a feeling i will be trying again short
  5. I'm after a few kg's of twine, along with a few other bits and pieces. Who's the suggested supplier these days, none of the old faces seem to be pushing the gear at the moment, any members doing good deals at the moment? YIS BB
  6. that was intresting, some really suprising figures in there...
  7. borderboy


    i'm 19 and from hampshire but will be willing to travel if it suits.. i didnt go beating this past season but had been beating regularly for 5 years before that....
  8. borderboy


    Im sorry if this has been covered before. I'm looking for a bit work (/work experience) keepering, i unfortunately dont really have any contacts who can help me out. Does anybody have any advice about where i might find keepers or vaccancies...? Or does anyone happen to know of anything...? Any help will be much appreciated...Â
  9. i'd have this van, its a very good price... i've got an envoy and its a stonking van....!
  10. it'll be around that mark whatever you look at...
  11. pro trapper has a reputation for letting folk down over orders, then dissapearing...
  12. i think you are fine as long as the dog is under control, i think thats within 15' of yourself whether on or off the lead...
  13. Mums are usually the hardest to persuade when it comes to ferrets... Be subtle about it with your old man, just drop hints for a little while... He'll come around to the idea...
  14. it definatley aint the rabbit... Thats how it gets in the blood, i was given my terrier by a good friend 5 or 6 years ago when i was 12 or 13, i learned loads from that little dog, not just about terriers though, i learnt to be patient, how to talk to strangers when they commented on her, or what she was doing, or when to keep my mouth shut, amongst other things... that little dog will be his best mate for years... good luck to the pair of them...
  15. its £7 or £8 a bag, that just about sums it up... I have fed it in the past, its not much cop... Kirklands dog food is the best budget dry food i have fed...
  16. I own a van as my daily driver, i use it for everything, both with and without the dogs in toe... I currently have a half mesh bulk-head in it which is great for the when the dogs are in it plenty of ventilation. the problem is when i'm cruising around at motorway speeds the road noise is dreadfull, so i would like to build in a solid bulk head a seal the back from the front, which would obviously stop the ventillation for the dogs... would one of these roof vents supply enough ventilation to the back... YIS BB
  17. depends on the size of the lad, if hes a fairly big lad he'd be fine, but if he's not he'll get beaten about by it... it also depends on the size of your gun... if hes big enough to handle the gun safely and comfortably, try him with a light load on the clays and go from there, something like a 21gm 8's...
  18. one things for sure he's going to be busy trying to keep it occupied ... fun times ahead for sure...!
  19. whats the aim...? there are a few companies that specialise in rear seat conversions... you generally need to cut the floor pan to create some leg room, even then the seat tend to be unsuitable for anything except fairly short journeys... Look here
  20. trade wipes from travis perkins, they'll get most thing off...
  21. Like these: Have just had some made, not got many though. Price for 2 collars and couple is £30 EXACTLY...!
  22. i was just wondering if you did short couples with brass trigger clips? YIS Borderboy
  23. lowas get my vote too, they come in big sizes too...
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