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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. The f**k have you got slippers on!?
  2. Well on there Arry! bloody miles behind with mine after having covid, combined with a 7 month old that’s seemingly given up sleeping. Potatoes and onion sets in this week. Had a load of plugs going on the kitchen window cill, but not had very good germination ? which is disappointing. So got a 2nd round going now, and going to sow as much as I can direct ?.
  3. borderboy


    People don’t realise that in a lot of cases when they are buying food from the supermarkets they are paying for it twice. The shelf price and then tax thats allocated as subsidies to farmers. It allows the supermarkets to squeeze the farmers on price then the taxpayer picks up the slack. currently the way we eat, buy and produce food is in a lot of cases a shambles.
  4. Page isn’t working on FB, any idea of the price of the round mouth shovel?
  5. Looks delicious! Jerky is so expensive in the shops. Do you think you could make it cheaper? Obviously assuming you already have the smoker!
  6. Get your hen, don’t collect the eggs for a few days, and when she thinks she’s got a clutch she’ll sit tight to hatch them, no need to fertilise them. Once she’s sitting, swap her eggs out for the Guinea fowl and she will do the rest naturally. Bantams will go broody very easily, but regular hens will still do a good job of it. Google reckons a bantam would manage a dozen to fifteen Guinea fowl eggs, and regular hen over 20.
  7. If you're getting a few hens anyway, why don't you see if one of those will go broody and sit on a clutch of guinea fowl eggs? then they'd be well imprinted on the hen, and it would save you buying an incubator/brooder, she'll do it naturally for you.
  8. Love the cobb, looking forward to getting adventurous with it this year. what fuel are you using? I really rate the Australian heat beads.
  9. Some cordon style fruit trees a load of fruit bushes and a big bed of strawberry’s are planned for both plots. Just trying to wrap my head around everything else to get going this year.
  10. Got the first plot dug over, it was virtually a weedy lawn after being mostly left to it’s own devices last year. I wanted to go no-dig, but surprisingly difficult to get a large amount of manure/compost to form the beds without breaking the bank. the back 1/3 is designated for hens once I scrounge enough material for a pen, that’s a shed piled up at the back which will become the coop. the second plot is brand new, I’ll need to spend out for some organic matter here, the builders have scraped all the soil away so it’s just a sticky patch of clay. I’m hoping 4tons 7-8 cubic meters
  11. Great place you’ve got. Living the dream! have you got anymore pictures or details of the hen houses?
  12. Looking for a new catapult, it’s been a long time since I’ve bought one and it seems like things have advanced a bit from then. Where should I be looking for something decent? Any recommendations would be great, all this choice is a bit overwhelming!
  13. great photo's. you need a go-pro, would love to see some of the action.
  14. Some cracking terriers on here lads, would like to keep a nice Russell one day...
  15. Always enjoy you're ratting reports, and brilliant photos which always capture the excitement of a good session on the rats... Been a while since I've had a few with the terriers. Is the young border 'pure' or a cross? Looks just like my old bitch back in her prime...
  16. http://www.angib.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/teardrop/tear03.htm Here's a load of teardrop profiles & guides to set them out.
  17. Fantastic read... I've been out of the loop 'field sports' wise, with one thing and another, however today something gave me that little itch... And I too started to reminisce on days spent in the field... But also thinking of the future and how I want to stay involved, which I haven't felt like for a very long time... Thanks for sharing...
  18. But remember the hunting act only got passed as it was forced through after they couldn't get the results they needed to pass it lawfully
  19. Would have to have a paint job...For those night time outings... yeah that way it'd never get recognised...
  20. indian butter chicken....mmmmm.
  21. T4 Forum check this place out, you can spend as much or as little as you like on one of these... And theres plenty of parts and extras for turning it into a camper, rock and roll beds, cupboards, extra windows, storage, insulation, heaters, water tanks... well worth considering...
  22. As early as possible... shoot it on the way up before it starts slowing, then its nice and straight forward... Keep it simple...
  23. have a google for VW T4 Day & campervans, theres a few forums all about the conversion of them...
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