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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. i have the skippers(?) shirt the one with the poppers all the way up the front and practically live in it around the house and garden warm comfortable and waterproof... my uncle also has one which i gave to him and he lives in it on site.... i also have one of there technical fleeces a smock type, and i am comfortable and warm in just that and a shirt in anything except the very coldest of weather... my dad has the lined stalker extreme coat, and boils in it and a t-shirt... lol ....I know a few lads who swear by the bush shirts, but i think they look to much like fecking "Robin Hood"... e
  2. Im about to get 3 more ferrets... 1 castrated hob and 2 jills, all adults... im hoping that in the summer i will be able to move them along with my two existing castrated hobs into a large court/run... How easily will they mix? Also whats the best way of introducing them to each other? Thanks BB...
  3. i'm using ex-army over trousers they are brilliant... most army surplus stores will stock them... heard a lot of good stuff about the deerhunter water proof trousers, about £70....
  4. in the gamekeeping section theres a catapult thread you may find interesting...
  5. .... how old is the border bitch...? YIS BB
  6. Thanks everyone, richie,when your yearly wage on your weekend job because you are at college all week is 500 pounds a year and you have 4 ferrets and a dog, £127 pounds is an awfull lot.that would be more than half my money I am just going to leave it then and wait untill I am out of college. Thanks for everyone's suggestions and info. I will have to think up a plan.. christmas is coming...
  7. I'm sure you could and many people do get along without them... but for the bit they cost its well worth it... they gives you such piece of mind when you've been sat around a while with no indications... whip the box out and find out whats going on down there... just cause you got a locator on your ferret doesn't mean you have to dig it... or follow the ferret around the warren....
  8. Sorry I lost this after it dissapeared off the running dog forum... only just found it again... i would have snapped your hand off for the truck but your too far away for me...
  9. Thank you...now thats what you call a big fox...and its all my own work, except for the help from Borderboy (and tote) to put it up! Whilst I have you here, did you see my squirrel pics and any word on the deer Borderboy. Cheers Deker missed this... no word on the deer yet, havent had a chat to the owner, they are still hedge cutting at the moment, as far as i know... i should see him next tuesday, i'll ask then... impressive work on the squigs too... YIS BB
  10. how much work...? also do you know if a 6ft 4" guy fit in it...?
  11. nice going.... were they all caught with just the one drop?
  12. its a piece of piss... have it on the "search" setting untill the L.E.D under the 8 on the top row flashes, flick the switch to "locate" and get it as low as you can... just follow the highest pitched beeps...
  13. thanks for that ditch... i come into contact with rats on a pretty regular basis, ratting with the terriers mostly... we all take the best precautions we can, wearing disposable rubber gloves, scrubbing up afterwards, etc etc.... just reassuring to know that provided I recognise the symptoms i should be ok... Thanks BB
  14. how quickly can weils be treated in humans... or detected...?
  15. pretty sure ferrets dont get worms... their digestive tract is too short... YIS BB
  16. "geordie"'s his handle on here... i think... maybe not... lol
  17. how do you view who has been looking at your profile?
  18. D for me, I have a habbit of getting the T bit caught in my shirt pocket, when digging whilst knelt down, and tearing them ... so D for me from know on, esp as i snapped my T one ratting a couple of weeks ago ...
  19. If i'm ever passing through your area i'll drop you off as many as you could ever need... lol .... when will we find out what its for... trap covers...? fenn trap inside the bottle with the lid as the enterance...? YIS BB
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