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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. Clearly another bollocks photograph then...
  2. I've had a peek in her box this morning, shes sat tight and there is a couple of bits of shell by her side its very exciting... I can't wait to find out how many we've got...
  3. yeah im in amazingstoke... if you ever need a hand with anything...
  4. green wing was filmed in our hospital...
  5. The Blues will have been layed by the Araucanas (or if they have legbars they lay blue/green aswell), Light sussex lay the pinkie coloured egg. The 2 browner eggs are likely to be welsummer, the darker of the 2 maybe a maran egg. And the white will be from the leghorn. thanks, the white egg has disapeared with no traces... Im guessing it was a rat as we've had problems before i've got a couple of traps down in likely spots and hopefully i'll get the buggers before they take another one...! YIS BB
  6. I am in the process of making one of these for the shed, what could i use as a chimney? YIS BB
  7. nice, what time was it taken...?
  8. are these another species or just a black variation of the greys?
  9. Veg oil is £1.20 a litre hardly worth it...
  10. borderboy

    Anyone else

    psshh, you dont know how much of a rare breed lasses like yourself are... especially fit 17 year old ones .... BB...
  11. borderboy


    the cheque is in the post...
  12. We are hoping to keep a couple of hens as layers, but mostly because i enjoy watching them scratch around in the garden... good luck with your eggs mate but as for eggs they could all hatch out cockerels but it is good just sitting there watching them as you say,,, ,,john Theres is that risk...! but i'm hopefull i'll get one or two hens, touch wood... if they all turn out cockerals i'll get rid of the lot, and ,perhaps, try again...!?
  13. We are hoping to keep a couple of hens as layers, but mostly because i enjoy watching them scratch around in the garden...
  14. I put a half dozen eggs under our broody hen today... We brought them off ebay as a pot luck mix which might be, Light Sussex, Welsummers, Exchequer Leghorn, Araucanas, Marans and a few others by the sound of it... Has any one got a clue as to what they might be? Thanks BB
  15. You look like a bulldog licking piss of a nettle...
  16. I'll be very suprised if any fledge, the nest is in quite a precarious spot...
  17. I was out having a scratch about with the terrier this afters' looking for a few rabbits... when i stumbled across this little gem... A Blackbirds nest if im not mistaken? Its the first nest i've found, purely accidental, but a great suprise. I'll be sure to check back and see what becomes of them...! YIS Borderboy
  18. feet in one hand between your knuckles, and the head in the other stretch and snap the kneck backwards... no mess, no fuss...
  19. Had a few guys say to me that they'd see, and found, dead, polecats, but i was always a little skeptical... but now it seems quite likely if they've been released here... have you any idea of when they where realeased? Thanks BB
  20. my mate has the blade tech BB and i dont rate it much. it puts a quick edge on it but with the lansky you can get it literally razor sharp. it takes a while longer but is worth it. just dont go over board on the testing how sharp it is I'll have to see if i can find a lansky, i like the blade-tech cause you can't get it wrong. depends on the size of the dink but generally stick them on a grinding wheel... YIS BB
  21. get a blade-tech, or a decent diamond stones if you know what you're doing... YIS BB
  22. Just think where you want to be in ten fifteen years? and that should give you your answer...!
  23. cheers for that, i won't have any problems if i leave the hen long-term with the chicks shes hatched...?
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