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Everything posted by borderboy

  1. Metal Prices... If you can make any sence of that... just burn the plastic off, think you get more £££'s that way...
  2. Just treated myself to this little beauty, an upgrade from my lincoln... Its a Beretta Silver Pigeon III Ltd Edition 90/500, looking forward to sunday for a little clay bashing... I am also looking to book up a bit of shooting... duck/goose or a bit of rough shooting... Can you reccomend anybody...? YIS BB
  3. i dont think theres any real "clicks" you just have to post alot, so other members get know you abit, you cant get envolved if you dont post!
  4. dont use cooper pipe... it can make you and your dogs very ill...
  5. Seen that gaff a few times, the company i work for does alot of work in that area, and that house is unreal... just goes to show where a bit of property development can get, its been on the market for quite a while, make them an offer mackem... lol...
  6. Excellent result .... keep us updated on how they do...!
  7. no need to keep a cock... a few hens will be fine with out one...
  8. I've always been told or read that you should always leave them to, if there not strong enough to to its doubtful they'd survive long...
  9. if you wanted a 50yd net with 100% bagging, youd have to knit 100yds of net then tie it onto 50yds of line...
  10. that book/books have always appealed to me, but i have never been able to find it at a reasonable pice, i think i might have to bite the bullet and buy them, now that ive seen them reccomended yet again, £36 pound each isnt so bad... is it?
  11. Thanks, I already own JPJ's Training Birds Of Prey, and have just ordered Falconry: Art & Practice (Emma Ford) And Falconry and Hawking (Phillip Glasier)...! YIS BB
  12. I'm quite interested in falconry and i am looking for a bit of reading material, what would books are reccomended...? YIS BB
  13. I have just ordered a pair of Danner Pronghorn GTX... £155, I will let you know how i get on with them...!
  14. We're down to one now, but that was nothing to do with the hen or health, it got... urmmm... terriered... even though there were measures taken to protect them... bit of a shame... but im sure i'll be doing it all over again next summer, hopefully with more success... Good luck with yours, Rhode islands are what i wanted, i like dark coloured hens, thats what i'll be trying to hatch next time, or perhaps some little old english game bantams... YIS BB
  15. Thanks, theres a few for me to be looking at there... Thanks BB
  16. Its time for me to get some new boots, for dog walking, mouching, ferreting, beating... I am looking for some advice as to what i should buy. I am looking for a decent quality boot, hard wearing, waterproof, comfy, all the usuals, and i'd like a taller boot, I have upto £200 to spend but would prefer to spend around £150... They'll also have to come in 13's...? Thanks Borderboy
  17. google "primelocation" theres usually allsorts on offer on there site...
  18. Hob&Jill your a miserable twat. hes fecking right though...
  19. You should change your name to "Inspector" stubby...!
  20. couldnt find one... about search the net .... Feels like a good time for more tea...
  21. I much prefer non descript x bred terriers something about them always appeals to me... I have a borderxrussell here whos my bushing/ratting dog and shes a grand knock about steady as anything keen and happy mouching around with me... I've been umming and arring abouth putting a lakelandy patterdale of a mates over her whos very similar in temperment but a little more fiery and bold, in fact i have one of his nieces here who is a grand little dog but far too strong willed for my liking and very much self centered... so i cant decide whether i'd get something in the middle if i went for it...!?
  22. looks like i'll be dropping into the music shop for a copy of this mundy fellas album if i can find one...!
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