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Everything posted by downsview

  1. Funny,on this site the atheists seem to be the most fanatical,imagine if a lot of people that called themselves believers were in fact fanatical atheists and just used religion as excuse to cause death and destruction.
  2. I find it a little strange when owners with a kennel of Lakeland's, patterdales or borders make statements decrying hard dogs if it has to spend a week or longer in the sick bay so be it that's what you expect from certain breeds the original intention of those that put a lot of effort and thought into a bolt or die type terrier.Wrecklessness or a do or die attitude protecting the flock in those times was a serious business.T o dig to a terrier sat off his fox baying away would suit many but would that dog be worthy of the name Lakeland patterdales or border,i think not.
  3. A lot of talk disagreement about game,hard or baying terriers which is only normal.But what about origin keeping faith with the style a lot of lines strains or even breeds were bred to work in,magority of lads would expect a Russel to be a Bayer some pushier than others but is an out and out baying patterdale,lakeland or even border terrier a good example of its breed? .The law has changed life in general is very different but do we lay down hundreds of years of tradition to please the law ?.Do we reject the men that put so much time and effort into producing those breeds of game hard terriers
  4. Terriers still has to find and stay it's not all about the locator,locators just an aid to the diggers terriers still has to be up to the job
  5. Late summer evenings calling them out of woods onto stubble fields was the best success I had at calling by day ,call it day but the light was just starting to go when we had best success,preffered to leave them till Xmas better stronger and more fiery then,shame it's all behind us now.
  6. Most often had foxes in tight places when they've been run in by a lurcher,most fox earth's I've found a terrier can work without to much of a squeeze,dug a fox that had pushed in so tight it had suffocated
  7. Main reason terriers worked single handed now is the locator,better off for it too.Never worked massive rock piles so I don't know if numbers of terriers entered is the done thing or not.
  8. Makes you wonder if 90% of people have ever seen any dog work let alone bullxs plenty of freezers filled by bullxs,its all about what's at the end of the leed both ends.
  9. Britain's 1st terrorist bit questionable...guy Fawkes etc etc Bobby sands etc etc but I suppose he was only a light weight terroist
  10. Funny old world one man's a terrorist another man's freedom fighter....in this sick world can even end up with a Nobel Peace prize
  11. For those who don't like hare a simple pan and butter fry the hare 3mins each side v tasty,god provides the ingredients the devil provides the cook,
  12. I've owned a few working borders and they needed holding back not egging on,care should be taken with the entering of all the working terrier breeds but by 2 years old they should be keen very keen to enter a slow entering can be an excuse for poor borders jmho,at 15 months I wouldn't be over worried but I like confident terriers not shaking whimps
  13. another kick in the nuts for the liberal lefty establishment

  14. Mainly on my own started ou t my dad buying me a terrier when I was a kid no one realy into it so had to go if alone,made a few pals along the way but not many ,must be my aftershave lol
  15. Worker to worker can trace some of my present dogs ancestry back to dogs I had a few generations back but in no way would I call it a line,ive seen some of the better known line bred dogs perform and to be honest the performance was no better than my loosely bred worker to worker stuff,sometimes I think all this detailed attention to line breeding and ancestry is for the anoraks of the working terrier world.
  16. Legal or illegal ignore the hard terrier at your peril without him the fire will soon go out on all working terriers,men that decry the hard dog or are slaves to the law usually have some other motive perhaps it suits there kennel of yappers perhaps it brings££££ from the sales of there second rate white dogs perhaps some men have to much pride history or love for there game little dogs just to simply throw it all away on the whim of some socialising traitor government.
  17. The vast majority or sexual abuses towards children are by men on young boys sodomites is an old name for it just by that fact alone I don't think homosexual consent needs the age lowering or homosexuality in general doesn't need encouragement.I remember a channel for programme that showed a man having a relationship with a school boy ,queer as folk it was called ,no one seemed to find that offensive all in good fun ,I was told some people,at that point I knew British society was lost,realy sick of brain washed PC cnuts who haven't a mind of their own any more,consenting adults behind closed d
  18. Took the young bitch out tonight she's just coming up 14months now had a few runs with her tonight caught just the one rabbit,the old dog syndrome kicked in the thoughts of the old dog would of had more would of missed less and made an easier job of it,comparisons are easy but you really have to dig deep in the memory banks to remember those best forgotten nights when the old dog was a sapling and driving you up the wall and missing sitters,patience Is a virtue and a lurcher bred correctly and entered correctly usually starts getting the act together in their second season jmo,the good news is
  19. Don't leave it in the kennel let it mooch about rats,mice even bushing a pheasant or dare mention it even rabbits,make sure both his parents did the job and did it in a style you want,let it run through empty earths and drains with a locator on you can practice a bit with the box aswell,don't force it to do anything just gentle encouragment,if you know a few good earths keep it to yourself and try them when the conditions are right and the terrier is ready if your not sure when that is wait till he's 2years old a lot start earlier or later it should with good breeding and a bit of luck .
  20. I wouldn't get over encouraged by stabs scribblings ,didn't one of his staffs leed to the death of his wheatenx or was that some one else?
  21. Mi5 could do as lot worse than topping this lot don't think there has ever been a worse threat to national security.
  22. Does the tampering of posts occur on this forum the occasional word changed or quite straight forward unoffending posts dissapear. If so why? ,to discredit a member or make a more popular member or mod not look so foolish.I have my opinions on the matter just wonder on others opinions and or experiances.
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