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Everything posted by downsview

  1. Ulster is British mate you dont occupy your own country Ulster is my country and as an Englishman its my duty to defend it as part of Britian
  2. Under proper scrutiny a lot of what you write is based on hearsay and lefty based press
  3. Greyhoundy lurchers and if given plenty the arse biters soon start switching to the neck so ive heard
  4. downsview


    Another shambles can't accept the results of democratic referendums so disrupt and sulk very poor.
  5. Never owned a Saluki or Saluki x ,I've read some hunting books where the authors have wrote about getting into the right frame of mind regarding saluki psychology and that you have to understand how differently a salukis mind works.The authors then never go on to expand on what they have said never even a glimpse into how they view saluki minds.Which suggests to me they havnt much of a clue themselves also considering there is a fair bit of greyhound in most saluki types that are worked then surely understanding how a greyhound ticks is just as valid.Any ideas on saluki psychology ???
  6. First deerhound lurcher I had was a Platt bred dog about 20 years ago was total crap swore I would never have another.bought one a couple years back Platt bred bitch x 1/4 bull greyhound to say time happy would be an understatement undeservedly gave Platt a hard time on the net at the time not every dog or birch will make the grade just one of those things
  7. Patience unless your starving is it worth ruining a young dog over a rabbit take it out in a month if no change wait a month etc etc if you got a mate who has ferrets take the dog along to watch them work it will soon get the idea.
  8. Derbac m. Worked as a quick fix for the dogs dont tell them it's for dogs tell them it's precautionary for you.
  9. downsview


    Just read the news seems one third of all British Jews are thinking of going to Israel to live,personaly I have nothing at all against the jewish community infact I have quite a bit of respect for them.....funny how the media seem to be doing all they can to give a positive spin on the Islamic community but nothing in defence of the Jews.
  10. How do you go about writing an article for edrd ,do you just get some lined paper and scribble away ,double spacing is it a requirement and what does it mean lol,photos do you just send in as few 6x4? Any tips on how to go about it.
  11. I would say you have done a good job of bringing him on,bushing and entering earth's etc etc but you have got to make a decision on what you want the dog for,if you go bushing on a frosty January morning dollars to doughnuts your going to spend your time digging him out ,especially if you encourage him on fox as you intend.is it a foxer or a rabbiter you want,
  12. Whinge whinge cry cry,no one has been conscripted into the forces for a long time you volunteered so suck it up sweet heart.1926 general strike miners and their families practically starving standing up in their communities when the word wasn't just fashionable but measnt something now that was real hardship,if you want to run away then go f**k off countries better off with out you.spineless.
  13. Only a statement based on my observations of human character,
  14. Images still fresh in the mind young girls butchered in Manchester is going to harden some people's attitudes and the death of Muslims young old guilty or innocent will not generate the sympathy it might once of done,harsh but true.
  15. I work with a few liberal minded Pakistanis and a few of them have mentioned the word "karma"the last couple of days ,they seem to believe it's the whiteys getting revenge and if not this time it will be the next.
  16. I've seen a few short videos lately of idiots with swords and hatchets pretending to be some sort of anti Islamic vigilantes ,Isis must be having a nice little giggle at these sad excuses for English men.All there doing is making themselves look dicks and disgracing those tragic events that have happened in Manchester and London.
  17. Repent now all you lefties vote Tory and your sins are gorgiven

  18. Not every Irishman supported the IRA and not every Muslim is a murdering b*****d ,but the only community that can stop this grief is the Muslim one why aren't they being dragged out the mosques and turned in by their own,
  19. Corbin supported the IRA ...abbot hates everything British and white she would love to see this country destroyed...and you have people on here supposedly upset about the Manchester bombing yet not even bothered to vote protest votes to a finished party ukip job done,no wonder the country is slowly going to the dogs ...Theresa May is the only one to vote for ,labour councils covering up child abuse on a mass scale because it doesn't fit with thier multi culturalism pc ideals ...and men on here saying your vote won't make a difference or even worse not voting will make a difference ..waisters t
  20. As sad and twisted as it seems the west should be backing Assad secular modern and probably the most civilised of all the groups in Syria terrible when a regime ready to use chemical weapons on its own people is the best bet
  21. BBC finding fault with everybody except the Muslim that actually murdered children,lefties scum

    1. bird


      and all the bollocks about us and muslims sticking together . well the bottom line is mate , they will never shop one of there own (NEVER ) it will be the same when the next load of white people are killed again, same crap we all sticking together they are fookin liars mate , be differnt if one of there Mosques was blown up with 60 odd in side , yeh lets see if they want to stick together then, will they feck .!!!

  22. Sorry for misspelling earlier ...Parry
  23. I like a smooth coat but on a dog that has skin like a rhino ,it's the skin that cuts rough or smooth.
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