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Everything posted by downsview

  1. The border dog died to ground a couple of months after this post,he was not the best terrier rossthedog had seen or owned but he was a cracking dog with an excellent altitude to life and a dog that though not the greatest would always make himself a favourite very sad to see this dog go.
  2. How times change lol ,a few months back some of the posters on this thred were telling me these lads were the dogs bollox pmsl now oh dear there grasses and have been dropped in it. The biggest problem and to me its clear as day is lads that want to be the big I am want a bit of fame notoriety amongst the lads 5 minutes with terriers but want to be in with the smug set at shows, serves you right you should have more respect for your dogs.
  3. Got my books signed, was a privilege to meet Dave harcombe again, a true gentleman.
  4. I've met him a couple of times always found him polite and unasumming ,I enjoy his books well written and honest IMO.
  5. Any one know if Dave harcombe will be at the welsh as I have a book I would like signed.
  6. Better a sore ear now than a bullet later,having said that I think when it gets to the stage of physically correcting dogs your half way to loosing the battle.
  7. downsview


    I expect the parrot made a full statement to the police and gave a good description
  8. Can't beat hybrids for egg production and disease resistance leghorns can be a bit flighty light Sussex the better of the 2 breeds for your circumstances jmo.
  9. breed with care do your home work and the chances of producing good pups are good ,same with any breed realy the better the parents less chance of rubbish .
  10. i have a 4 year old daughter ive seen her once in last 2 years,i have no criminal record or any history of violence etc,i work and earn enough not to qualify for legal aid yet with csa payments included i cant afford legal help, you are only hearing my side but there is no jusstfication for me not to see my daughter,i am thinking about representing myself in court if any body has had a similar experiace and can or any good advice 'i would be glad to hear it thank you.
  11. relationship breack up,job loss,loosing driving licence,ill health ,old age,need the money,more resons for sellig a terrier than i can think of when the 14 year old key board warriors that haunt these sites have gained a bit more life experiance and grown up a bit they will think before posting,good luck with your search i know how frustrating it ca be when you are short of dogs part way into a season.
  12. had a chat with a few mates that have done a fare ammount of terrier work they werent very complimentary about the deben terrier fider they all praised the b&f locator not just for ease and reliability of use but also for after sales service which they say is 2 nd to none most of the deben sets found there way to ferreters or as part of the backfill.
  13. are kp&s nets still trading, i bought some light weight fox nets from them a few years back and they need replacing if not is there another supplier, i found thee 6 ft nets from them very handy.
  14. just wondering is bellman and flint mail order only or do they have premises you can visit.
  15. pollarded willows always a favourite place for foxes to hide up in , takes a few times for dogs to work it out properly time in the field never wasted.
  16. i like bullxs contarary to popular belief ive found them easy to own good with other dogs and generaly a pleasure to own.this is a general statement but 40 years ago i would consider a well bred 1/4 bull lurcher as more than bull enough for all jobs working the lamp and with terriers in the slowly in that 40 years ive moved more and more to extra bull blood the 1/4 bred s just dont seem to be up to the job not the dogs they were i expect this is due to the lack of top quality full blooded sires avalable making it more necessary to up the % of bull blood.
  17. the weather was good today but stil soggy underfoot summertime shows for me.
  18. hello all just joined the forum , had some experiance of most country sports ,always willing to learn more .
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