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Everything posted by downsview

  1. Hard to get the truth add yet undecided what ever happens the rich will get richer thee poor Weill get poorer and we will still get illegal immigration wether in or out.
  2. We always know when the mother in law is visiting,the mice throw themselves on the traps. A good Les Dawson joke.
  3. downsview


    I take it the grandmothers your sister
  4. Keith wood on the band wagon now ,be embarrassed if I was Irish all these big Irish rugby stars whinge whinge whinge
  5. Could be another Wade Dooley moment I heard Phil Davies still talks with a lisp
  6. You make your own luck,1966 yes a football world cup wales hasn't won one of those either. Points against wale in this 6 nations is something that must be on the defense coaches minds,and the strength on the English sub's bench
  7. I agree, any international team is dangerous. Just ask England how the Welsh with a depleted squad beat them at home in the world cup? Whoops was I not supposed to mention that? TC In the group stages, yes we were terrible,how many world cup finals have Wales actualy played in ??? Considering its your national game exactly how many????
  8. I don't know for certain what next games result will be but there's a different mentality about the England squad less public schoolboy,are England the best team in Europe or the world or in the British isles maybe not but in time we will be ,unless Ireland and Wales change mentality in a big way they will just occassionaly pick up crumbs.
  9. Oh dear more whingeing not my problem your squad can't man up,I never ever underestimate any team ,even irelands weakened squad is dangerous just ask the welsh they couldnt beat them,new captain new manager for an Englishman excellent to see,
  10. O'driscol and the other Irish commentator winge,winge,winge,they could do with a bit of mike brownes boot pmsl
  11. Saw the thread title thought it was about the Irish rugby team
  12. Cull,tap ,get rid ,either a lot of ego massaging going on or a lot of fools with no idea ,the dog is 17mnths old and bred from bushers ffs.
  13. May have eaten some shit cat or dog .Can sometimes have that effect.
  14. But this dog has been dug twice and also bolted a couple sounds like it started OK now its taken a backward step.
  15. Please please don't gee the dog up you got enough problems without creating a false marker or rabbit digging dog jmo
  16. You can start again and get a terrier from digging parents or you can persevere with Joe ime sure with patience you can have a lot of fun with him .Not all terriers make the best earth dogs even some from the best bloodlines,I wouldn't expect to much from a 17 month old dog and personally would allow for the occasional cock up while he's learning.To be blunt you can't expect to much from a dog bred from bushers.Sometimes it's about you working around the dog and also what your prepared to put up with.
  17. 17 months is a good age but not an age to expect miracles at,what age did his parents start and what are his litter mates doing,he's not my dog but if he was I would give him the summer to mature a bit of ratting and getting out and about forget about cubs proves nothing jmho.....if your getting short tempered or impatient that can put some dogs backwards.
  18. Been having a think lately about the past and dogs that should of made the grade and didnt and a few that shouldn't of made the grade and did.All that time getting young dogs 5 or 6 month old pups out into the field to see game and see a kill almost as if our lives depended on it,bringing home game and letting pups have a rag on it feeling disappointed if a pup showed no intrest lol. A mate got a young greyhound bitch about 3 years old fit healthy well socialised but had been retired early for what reason we never found out this was a fair few years ago now we took it for a stroll early morni
  19. None of the help people have tried giving me relates at all to whatsd happening on my phone so I've come to conclusion don't bother lol
  20. Downloaded photo bucket and uploaded pics nothing on screen about URL or copying pasteingn this is on a phone by the way.
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