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About whippet21

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  1. this i my brothers one good dog very quick and got a good turn he stands 19" at 2 and half
  2. yes hes a bull whippet 3 years old now does a good job
  3. there was somthin on the local news about lamper sayin they must have permission or they will be prosecuted i have never had any problems but the ploice say there clamping down on it
  4. i think its more about who you know but i will knock on an see if i have any luck
  5. how easy is it to obtain permission off farmers an whats the best way to go about it thanks
  6. thanks for the advice i dont no anyone with ferrets i will take him watching my brothers dog for the time being
  7. does anybody know what age is best for me to start working my saluki whippet hes 7 month old and is he best watching another dog thanks
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