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Everything posted by KizzaP13

  1. beddy x whippet: fast start, intelligent, gud turner, trys hard
  2. advice on lamping eg filters best fields how to use etc...
  3. permission wanted in or near west yorkshire we ferret lamp shoot all pests and will respect all land. thanks.
  4. lets see your pictures!! and which 1 do you think is better on rabbits; lamp and ferreting and why
  5. how would u rate them in terms of accerlation , brains , stamina , use of strength , soft mouth , etc
  6. how tall is it then [bANNED TEXT] and whts it got in it
  7. Ino its not the normal quarry for bull xs but who uses them for rabbits
  8. thanks mate appreciate it same thing here with mixy .
  9. thats not far from where i am, i can only go local as i am only 13 its hard getting permission
  10. I have a beddy x whippet pup (9wk old) i was wondering how to train him on lamp when hes abit older
  11. were abouts in west yorkshire you from we get around 7 a day if were lucky on our local spots.
  12. thanks for replys People, i get what you mean about strangers but i hope to get my dad into it more
  13. in or nr west yorkshire or if [NO TEXT TALK] wants a hand ferreting i will come along as i am only 13 and need more experience .
  14. Ferreting permission wanted in or near west yorkshire or if [NO TEXT TALK] ferreting near here wants [NO TEXT TALK] to come along and lend a hand i will.
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