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Everything posted by KizzaP13

  1. both ours will be at perfect weight mine was instant today and followed on a little
  2. great read! Hopefully we will catch tomorrow.
  3. What are the fastest 3/4 over every distance as in as fast at 50yards as 1000yards imo I think 3/4 greyhound 1/4 deerhound would near as fit the bill but when hunting would overshoot any suggestions???
  4. bargain that young son ccyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaa lllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaatttttttttttttteeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr p.s: hows bleb doing, and good luck shooting foxy's..... atb from the wrecking crew!!!!!!)))))))))
  5. getting it for b-day with the 2 collars set who uses it and what do u think of it
  6. Anybody got them not alot of threads about them i have just got a pup so any pics and opinions welcome
  7. just wondering what they were like preban on hares and foxes were they too slow for hares or too light for foxes or could they do both and what height did they make thanks.
  8. are lakies true fox killers thinking of getting one would like info and pics of how they work and temperment etc thanks.
  9. cocker vs springer vs plummber which do you think is the best for bushing? any pics or vids of them in action as well
  10. ha do they yap when giving chase as tht wud be a plus
  11. ive heard of plummers having bad atitudes
  12. no i would prefer it to stay above ground not interested in foxes or asu say dropping on badgers
  13. which is the best terrier for bushing and flushing rabbits but also good temp
  14. ino theres not many around but an pics or opinions ?
  15. thanks guys dranny il see if i can find it
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