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jerry attrick

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Everything posted by jerry attrick

  1. if ye want a nice big juicy samon for ye tea this is me tip for today, One of the theries put forward about women's success with catchin salmon is cos off their womans pheromones. and Because the biggest salmon are cock fish it is said that they are attracted to a woman's pheromones , lol which transmit themselves to the water by the woman handling the fly and fishing line. Salmon have very powerful smeeling systems and it is also thought this is one of the ways they find their way home to spawn, so this theory starts to look interesting (of course, it's not the only reason women catch
  2. morning bosun i met him at appleby horse fair 25 years back he had some good little dogs back then,and he was pretty well know all over the country at the time, when i last saw him he was camping in the back of a blue tranny van, he had about two or three lurchers in there with him and a litter of pups, he was at the end of flashing lane, on the grass verge 25 yrs ago. but i havent heard much about him for a long time,
  3. well that is how black people hunt anyways in africa and stuff
  4. Bunnies are quick as ****, but yo go to remember, their legs are like 4" long lol lol so they get tired very quickly . If you were to get one out in the open, you could run it till it was at the point of collapsing, and then pounce on it. this wood be hard though though, becuase a rabbit would never be out in complete open without somewhere to hide, especially as much ground your gonna cover chasing it they not daft them rabbut. either do That or you could do like some pack hunters do. that is 1 person run the rabbit till they are tired, then another person jump in and run the rabbit till
  5. this my little camp in the woods where i polish my dog collaers and hunt wi my dog
  6. bealive it ot not the survival in scotish highlans wild enviroment is easy if ye know how but in the woods ye can die from many many many different ways and you be suprised how many dead bodies i have found in them woods and things but. by simply haveing knowledge and using stuff arounf ye the woods can become a friend agood place too live by have a simple nife ye can fashion ye own tools and traps for meant off survival so you don go hungry today but main help is a cushty owl juk, but all us make sure the collar is al polished and greas and shiny, it like personal hygene for the owl juk
  7. todays tip is how to catch a duck wid yer bear hand Locat a large dead log. Using a ax or survival knife, boar a hole out a section in the midle off the log that is large enough for you to fit your upper body in. Drill a hole in the top part of this gap to serve as your air hole Find a body of water that is inabited by ducks. A pond works best if one is avaiable.Put your log in the water, with the gap facing up. If you have a pair of gogles handy, wear them. They will allow you to see underwater better but they are not required.Squeeze your upper body into the log and slowly drift tow
  8. a good tip is to find a nice steep hill which drops down to some game cover or a small wood which contains peasants each morning as it breaks daylight scatter a hand full of raisins at the bottom of the hill and get the peasants feeding confident for a weak, onese the peasant nice and confidnt take a old car tyre to the top of the hill before it is light and hide in the grass with the tire, then wehn the light come out and the peasants all come out for the raisins at the bottom of the hill, gently get the wheel lined up to a peasant and let it roll down the hill into the bunch of confident f
  9. hello bosun and tanks for you continued support i got plenty of tips and opinion for anyone want to grow herbs. i give you a bit of tips on growing herb now,, then i have to go to see the man in the pub for more tips and get me herb here we go to enlighten others who like da herb Rule 1: Never tell anyone, not even your friends, that you've started growing! I know, I know, this is common sense, right? But unfortunately it's not. Telling the wrong person is the number 1 most common reason growers get caught. No, growers don't get usually caught because their seeds were intercepte
  10. everytin has a breaking point The point at which physical, mental, or emotional strength gives way under stress.The point at which a condition or situation becomes critical all lurchers and all people have a breaking point but this can be allieviated slight by keeping your dogs collar polished to a hi standard
  11. everytin has a breaking point The point at which physical, mental, or emotional strength gives way under stress.The point at which a condition or situation becomes critical all lurchers and all people have a breaking point but this can be allieviated slight by keeping your dogs collar polished to a hi standard
  12. I know how to keep warm,, make bivouacs, and all of that. I catch rabbits and other animals and birds and cook them to eat. some People would be amazed at the different kinds of eggs you can eat pigeons' and seagulls'. I make a wee fire and get an old tin can or something. I boil the water to sterilise it and cook in it."
  13. thank you for your support bosun11 apliying grease to your dogs collar does work in making the dog go faster its just that most people dont understand how so because of ther ignorance they believe i am beeing funny which i am not i am just trying to be helpful to all dog men as we have enough opposition as it is wit out turn on each other Understandin motion of air (often called a flow field) around a object enables the calculation of forces and moments acting on the object. Typical properties calculated for a flow field include velocity pressure density and temperature as a functio
  14. hello ime gone catching an old crow or 3 the day the man down the pub said cos my dogs collar all greased up now it wil be nice and shiney and all crowns and be atracted to me dogs collar and come down to peck me shiny dogs collar them me cushy old jucal can snap me 3 big black crows out the aire
  15. What's got in to you LC we're only up to page 6 only just warming up,anyone got any recipes for all this illicit game i was own the pub last night wid he man who tell me a bout how to survive an he gived me this reipe for crows actuallyCrow and Mushroom Stew 3 crows 1 spoon lard 1 pint stock or gravy 2 spoon cream 1/2 cup mushrooms salt and pepper Clean and cut crows into small portions and let them cook a short time in the lard in a saucepan, being careful not to brown them. Next, add to the contents of the pan, the stock or gravy, and salt, pepper to taste. Simmer 1 ho
  16. tomorrow i tell ye another good trick about not go hungry and catching food
  17. good ways to kill rabbits is Watch where the rabbits return at dawn, next day when they are out block their burrow at arms length with rocks then grass. Chase them into their burrow and then you can reach in easily.
  18. i tell ye some more trick later cos i got fishing today
  19. anyways lets tork sense i not an argumentative person so i got a good trick for you today for to catch an old eel, put a bit of smelly road kill in an old bag chucked in smooth water, the eels smell it and try to get into it but hide below the big stones. Get a bit of roadkill and dab it in front of the stones then stab them behind the neck with a kitchen fork. then this how ye dont go hunger today
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